Good Morning (R.R.)

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Smut warning ‼️



I blinked my eyes, allowing them to settle to the morning light that filled our shared bedroom in Reneé and I's newly bought apartment.

The blonde-haired girl slept contently, her head resting on my torso. I brushed her hair away so I could see her better, her blonde eyelashes making an appearance.

In response, she fluttered her eyelids to look up at me with a smile before leaving a quick kiss on my bare stomach.

"Good morning." I mutter not too loud, still adjusting as I woke up. "Morning." Reneé mumbled.

She adjusted herself so her head was next to mine, leaving a quick kiss on my lips."Kiss me properly, loser." I tease, pulling her in with her chin.

She laughs before doing just that, connecting our lips for a longer period of time. I was content with where we were until I felt Reneé try and poke her tongue through my lips.

In that moment, I knew exactly what her motives were. I pull away, watching her face drop in disappointment.

"I love you, but we've got a bunch of boxes that won't unpack themselves." I tell her. "We can do that later." She pouts.

"Bebe, we're literally sleeping on a bare mattress on the floor, we need to get some furniture in here." I found it hard to turn her down as she began to pepper kisses all over my neck, her hands caressing over my waist.

"I'll literally be 5 minutes. Please baby." "The last time you said 5 minutes, we ended up fucking for 2 hours." I bluntly tell her.

She huffs, leaning into my ear. "You're telling me you don't want me to make you cum? You don't want your legs shaking around my head?" She whispers, her hands going to squeeze my tits.

I knew her plan was to work me up and there was no doubt she succeeded.

I roll my eyes at her antics "Make it quick."
"Oh trust me, I will."

I knew she wasn't lying, Reneé could make me cum within seconds if she really wanted to.

I shudder as her hands slip under my sports bra to tweak my nipples, her mouth on my neck while her legs straddled my waist.

While I was enjoying the feeling, I wanted more.
I push her chest off me, making her look at me.
"Five minutes baby, no time for foreplay. You already got me worked up." I tell her.

She seems delighted by my confession but still leaves a comforting kiss on my lips. She readjusts herself between my legs, pulling my underwear down.

Almost immediately, she swipes her two middle fingers between my folds. "You weren't lying when you said you were already worked up." She laughs, taking her fingers in her mouth.

Not even a second later, I feel her tongue on my clit, circling around and sucking on the nerves.
I can't help but let out a small whine at the feeling.
She continued to suck while I felt her tongue teasingly travel to my entrance.

She dipped it in momentarily, then swapping it for her fingers. The overwhelming feeling of her mouth on my clit and her fingers working my walls began to build up.

"Holy shit," I manage to speak through broken moans and heavy breaths. "You close?" She mumbles into my skin.

"Mhm," I whine, nodding. Reneé kept her movements consistent, allowing my body to devour the euphoric sensation.

I grip Reneé's hair, causing her to let out a moan of delight. "God Reneé, I'm gonna cum." I warn her as I feel my orgasm approach.

She doesn't speed up, or slow down. She keeps her pace the same until I orgasm."My God, Reneé," I whine as she slips her fingers out, still working her jaw.

I shudder as I became overstimulated by her mouth.
My hand pushes against her forehead, "I can't."
"Let me clean you up." She pulls my hand away from her head.

Long story short, Reneé "cleaning me up" resulted in a round 2. Panting as I came down from my second orgasm, I look at Reneé, the bottom of her face having a slight shine.

Unable to resist, I pull her up to kiss me, tasting myself on her lips. Smiling, Reneé taps the screen of her phone which was lazily tossed to the far side of the mattress.

"You went over time." I jokingly glare at her.
"What? You came twice in eight minutes, doesn't sound too bad to me." She shrugged.

I fight back a smile and instead roll my eyes at her.
"Now we actually have to start unpacking shit," I tell her, getting up from our makeshift bed.

"What?! You've gotten me all worked up! Cmon, you can't just leave me here!" She whines.

I smirk to myself, "That's what you get, maybe I'll reward you if we at least get the living room and our bedroom done today."

And just like that, Reneé bolted out of bed.



Mwah 💋

ShittyAssStories 💌

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