Bad words (R.R.)

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In this you have a 7 years old daughter called Adelyn. Or you can change the name I don't mind.


"You are in trouble young lady!" You said to your daughter, looking at her through the rear view mirror.

"But mommy, I didn't do anything! She was the one to say a bad word to me!" She protested with a lisp, missing her two front teeth.

"Even then, you need to be the bigger person! Now
wait till we arrive home, we're going to talk to momma."

"But-" "No complaining!"

After a few minutes, you arrived home. You got out of your seat and got Adelyn out of hers.

You took her hand as you both made your way into the house. You were greeted by the amazing smell of Reneé's vanilla cake.

"Hey Bebe. How you doing?" Reneé came and kissed you. "I'm good, thank you." She then lowered herself down to be at Adelyn's height.

"Hey baby. How was your day?" She asked, hugging her. "It was....good", Adelyn hesitated. "You sure?"

"She's in trouble." You replied for her. "Ooh, what did you do?" Reneé frowned.

Adelyn turned her head to yours, wanting you to answer for her.

"Nuh huh, tell your mother what you did", you looked at her sternly.

"I got in a fight with a girl. Then she pushed me and I just pushed her back", she explained, looking down. "Oh, only that?"

"I think you're missing something Adelyn." You said, putting your hands on your hips.

"I called her a bitch..." she said, tear filling her eyes.

"Good job!" Reneé cheered, high five-ing her. That instantly made her tears stop to be replaced with a toothy grin.

"Reneé!" You shouted at your wife.

She immediately replaced her happy face with a fake angry one.

"Adelyn, we don't cuss, okay? Next time you go see the teacher." "But she called me dick! And you and mommy say bad words all the time!" She argued.

"Well like I said, you go talk to the teacher if this girl- or anyone ever say a bad word to you. And mommy and I a grown ups and only grown ups can say bad words."

"But you say I'm a big girl all the time! I'm 7!" She held 7 fingers up.

"That's the point, you're only 7, not 17. When you'll be 17 you'll be old enough to say bad words okay? But for now we stop the cussing. Understood?" You said more calmly, lowering yourself too.

"Yes. I'll not do it again, I pinky promise." She smiled. "Good. Hug?"

Adelyn proceeded to throw herself into your arms, and then Reneé's.

"Wanna eat the cake I made? I made your favourite one!" "Yeah!" "Okay, go wash your hands first." You ordered, getting up.

"You know she gets it from you huh?" You said as you put your head in Reneé's neck.

"I know, I'm sorry. I'll try to stop." She apologized, hugging you back."

"I love you", she kissed your lips. "I love you too-"



I really liked this one.

Mwah 💋

ShittyAssStories 💌

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