1. Shivansh

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chapter number 2 is available on scrollstack. You guys can follow me there for early updates.

I am asshole. Well, I am proud that I am asshole, everyone is asshole in their own way. When i was kid i didn't knew that I'll end up being the Ceo of Oberoi groups, so it makes me less of an asshole. There is another level of happiness in being an asshole.

"Sir?" Ravi calls my name.

Ravi is my manager who manages everything excluding my sex life. Sadly, I don't have sex life. Well i wanted to have sex life but sex didn't choose me so i am single yet happy.

I have joined the Oberoi group after two months of completing my graduation. I was planning to go on vacation forever but my grandfather wanted me to become the CEO of Oberoi groups, so I joined the Oberoi groups. I never wanted to be part of this business world, i like to travel, meet new people, become friends with everyone. It was never in my list to become the CEO of Oberoi group until my lawyer told me about the will my grandpa left for me so i was forced to join this industry.

I would have rejected the offer but i didn't wanted to ruin the lives of employees of this company because of me and not to forget i need money for my future plans so i accepted the offer and now i am the CEO of this company.

"Asshole I'm talking to you" i heard ravi's voice and that's when i gain my composure.

"Did you just called me asshole?" I asked him. I know he is my manager but that doesn't give him the right to call me asshole but i liked the way he called me asshole.

Translation : I am asshole.

"No sir, i just said my dear sir please let's go to the meeting room. The new investors are waiting for you" he said and I nodded and head towards the elevator.

Currently we are planning to start a project to clean rivers and to provide employment to needy people. We needed some investors so Ravi arranged this meeting with some of the investors. I don't know who the investors are but i am looking forward to work with them. I took a deep breath and went inside the elevator. I hope the new investors are not shitty.

I am doing this project purely for the people who need jobs and money to feed their family. They are my first priority. I am purely doing this project just to help these people. Once this project gets successful, i will leave the company.

As I got out of the invigilator, i headed toward the meeting room where everyone is waiting for me.

As soon as i walks into the meeting room, the first person i see is a women who is standing in the meeting room. I can see her back which is obviously covered with her clothes. She has short hairs and from her back only i can tell she is intelligent, smart and fucking awesome.

I plastered a smile on my face. I need to impress everyone to invest in my company.

"Good Morning everyone" I said with a charming smile on my handsome face.

I waited for the lady to turn back but she didn't.

Translation: She doesn't give a fuck about me.

I smiled again and cleared my throat and this time, to my surprise the women turned back, and my smile turned into horror. I looked at her, she looked at me and the hairs on my body disappeared as i saw her. My eyes burned as i saw her face. My heart shattered as i saw her boo... I mean her face. Blood in my stomach stopped working for few seconds. My world turned into horror show within few seconds. The world around me faded, i stand still. I blink and i took few steps towards her. We stood face to face. Even my dick is shocked from her appearance.

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