11. Sangeeta

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The term friends can be defined in two words.

1: politician

2: The month of December

Some friends are like politician, they only come to us when they need something from us. They don't care about us, they only care about themselves. Their whole world revolves around them only. They don't care about what's happening in other's life. They are mean but show themselves as if they are the best creature in the world. Unfortunately, I had those friends. When I was in high school everyone used to get close to me when there were exams because they needed something from me.

Earlier I used to think that there is something wrong with me, but no. there is nothing wrong with me.
I used to think maybe It was my duty to fulfill their wishes but as I become little mature I stopped doing that and all of sudden I had become the villain in their stories. But to be honest I felt happy after I got separated from those toxic people.

As I grew up I realized that I cannot be a hero in everyone's life. It's enough if I am hero in my own life.

And then there are some friends like the month of December, we met them at last, late but still we feel vibe with them, we feel happy around them and most importantly they care about us, they love us as much as we love them. And fortunately I found them. Miara, anni and even Agastya are my that friends.

In the process of losing friends I found my new friend, my bike, my first love. I used to like cars more than bikes but as I grew up my love for cars diminished and I started loving bikes. Every times i ride my bike i feel free, i feel independent, i feel like nothing is more important than this, i feel happy, relax and i love every second of this. The idea of riding a bike is the best decision I have ever made. This is only decision i have never regretted in my life.

I was enjoying my ride as always until i saw a biker chasing me.In my rear view i saw him coming towards me. He kept blowing horn to stop me. I didn't wanted to stop but i had to. I stopped my bike and removed my helmet. The mystery biker stopped his bike near me. He removed his helmet. I have never seen this person in my entire life.

"What?" i asked.

"Care to join me, sweetheart" he ask shamelessly. Perhaps he doesn't know me. He smiled, his eyes looked at my lips. I badly want to punch him for ruining my ride. These guys are the reason because of whom some of women don't feel save during night. These creepy assholes are responsible for that. Fortunately i know how to fight so i am ready to break some of his bones for sure.

"No and get lost" i said straight forward.

"Attitude? Huh! I like that. I like bad girls like you" he voice sounds so creepy.

He step from his bike and took few steps towards me. My hands turned into fist, i have seen so many movies, i can kick his ass. He slowly walked towards me. I raised my fist and within a second a punch landed on his face and he fell on the ground.

The man groaned in pain and look behind me with anger in his face.

"Motherfucker" he groaned. As he said I realized that he is not talking to me, he is talking to some else who is behind me. I look at my fist that's still hanging in the air. I didn't punch him, someone else did that.

I instantly looked behind, a familiar face appeared in front of my sight. Our gaze met, he smiled.

"Hello love" crackyhead said with a wink. I stare at him. He is dressed all black. Black shirt, black jacket, black boots, black gloves with black bike on his side. I stared at him with my wide eyes. How the hell he manages to be here.

His hands touched my shoulder, my lips parted but nothing came out of them. I am too stunned to say anything. His hands gently pushed me behind him, he took a step, his eyes never left mine, he stood in front of me, his back covering my body. He is standing in front of me like some statue.

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