6. Sangeeta

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There are people who are stupid, there are people who are assholes then there is crackyhead who is combination of both.

Even my dead nails suffered a nail stroke when I saw him today. Dad texted me about him coming to my home. I denied but as always dad won and because of that i let that crackyhead come inside my home.

I was just going to sleep when he knocked at my door. He looks like fungi right now. He is looking at me like he has seen some ghost.

"Why are you here?" I ask.

"I'm here to see your cutie pie" he said.


"For fuck sake stop asking me question. Just let me come in" he nearly pleaded.

"No" I said, trying to close the door my room as soon as possible. I am hundred percent sure he is playing some shitty game, he always does that.

"Let me come in" he growled. I shoot him 'shut your shitty mouth' look.

"Or what?" I ask.

"Or I'll fuck your door and it will get pregnant" he said and i rolled my eyes.

This is reason number 527807 to hate him even more. His talks irritate me. Why can't he just shut his mouth? I'm hundred percent sure no one wants to listen to his shitty talk. I hate The way he talks and the way he makes faces when he talks. What an asshole he is.

"Why are you dying to come inside?" I asked.

"Because............" He started but stopped. He rubbed his forehead and groaned in frustration. I stare at him with my eyes widened. What is he doing? I motion him to tell me the truth or I'm kicking his ass.

"Fuck it" he said and then tell me everything.

So he told me that he had seen a ghost in my living room. I shook my head, I am sure he is doing his shitty prank. He has done this to me so many times.

"So you are saying that you saw ghosts?" I ask with my raised eyebrows.

"No sangquake you are not getting it" he said.

"Then tell me" i said.

"I am telling you that i just saw a ghost" he said and i gritted my teeth. He added one more reason to hate him even more.

"You know what, just get lost from here" I said. I am too tired to argue with him. I know it's one of his pranks.

I tried to close the door but he stopped me from doing that. His hands held the door.

"What the hell are you doing?" I shouted.

"Let me come in" he said.

"No. Get lost" i said.

"Listen sangquake, my ass is scared as Little kitten so stop your mouth and let me come inside" he nearly ordered me.

"No i won't" i said.

"Let me come in" his voice matches mine.

"N..........." My voice cut off as I heard a loud sound from living room. Crackyhead and I turned back to look in the direction of the living room.

I took my phone from the strands and I started to go downstairs. I need to know what the fuck is happening down there.

"For fuck sake don't go there" crackyhead said from behind me. I ignored him like i ignore my bikini's hairs.

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