9. Shivansh

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I want to meet the person who invented phone with battery, that person is responsible for every problem in my life. 

Translation: I fucked up again. I forget to charge my phone.

My phone is such a jerk. The battery of my phone is dead and i lost my charger. After the meeting with the husband of my mother aka my father i almost suffered a panic attack. I never wanted to see him, but he called so many times that i had to go and meet him.

As always he told me that i am useless and he is ashamed of what happened yesterday. I mean like seriously? It was my fault? That asshole yuvi planned it and my father blamed everything on me.

The rage and hate for him inside me also increased. The relationship between us has been really rough.

Translation: There is no relationship at all.

Basically, my father blamed me for everything that happened in his life. I guess that motherfucker also blames me for fart that he releases.

I was going back to penthouse when i saw the car of my dearest Enemy aka sangquake. If it was in my hands i would have enjoyed watching her get killed by rabbits and ants but yashu uncle will rip my ass if i left her here in the middle of nowhere. So for the sake of yashu uncle i stopped my car.

"What are you doing here?" She ask, her eyes ready rip my ass. 

Fucking yo..... anyways.

"I was sleeping while driving" i said sarcastically.

She gave me a look and i faked a smile.

"Need some help?" I ask.

"No" she said. Her words as sharp as knife.

As always she showed me attitude without any reason. She is like Empty bag that has nothing inside but always shows unnecessary attitude.

"Come here. I'll drive you back to your home" i said.

My tongue almost suffered tongue attack as i talk to her nicely. This is last thing i want to do.

"I'll prefer to walk" she said.

I rolled my eyes. People have Fart problem but this woman has unnecessary attitude problem. As expected she got out of the car, locked the door and started to walk on the road.

I would have love to see her suffering from cold and cough but as always yashu uncle will be disappointed on me. And not to forget rose aunty (her mother) would fry me alive if i let her go in the middle of rain.

I sigh and gave up the idea of watching her dying because of ants . It's raining heavily and this woman is walking like some dead ghost on the road.

"Listen" i shouted.

"What do you want?" She ask.

"I would love to see you suffering but right now come back to my car or i am calling yashu uncle" i said.

She glare at me. In the night also her eyes are haunting me. I waited for her to come back but she just stare at me with her big eyes.

"Are you coming or do you want me to carry you on my dic.... I mean on my shoulder" i said.

She groaned and then walked towards me. I opened the door for her. She sat inside the car and closed the door. She is completely drenched.

"You are completely wet" i said mischievously.

"Can i see there? I mean i just wanna confirm if you are wet there or not" i said with a wide grin on my face.

She looked at me with anger in her eyes.

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