7. Shivansh

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People are like pee, they left you as soon as their work is done. Ghosts are like water that's remains with us but we don't value them.
Currently i want pee, i mean people. My mind has already stopped working because of the two ghosts out there dancing.
Most of the people on this planet are stupid and half minded and unfortunately i am also one of them. I am stupid plus full half minded.

"What the hell?" Sangquake shouted.

I rubbed my forehead in tension. What is happening with me. I just told her that i pee on my pant. What's wrong with me. Water is falling from my noise and i called it pee.

I act like asshole all the time. I should keep quite my mouth but here i am creating more problems for me.

Well, I am problem attractor.....with lots of money.

"I meant my nose wants to pee" i said. In my peripheral i saw her staring at me with digust in her face. I want to roll my eyes very badly. I don't give a shit if she looks at me with digust or anger.

"You are disgusting" she said.

I Ignored whatever she said like i ignore children in wedding. I sigh and lied down on the floor.

Fuck, I'm stuck with my enemy in one room. I think she must done some bad works in her past life that's why i am in this situation.

Of course i am blaming everything on her. She is the reason for everything. I suffer from heat because of her. I fart because of her. I don't bath during winters because of her. My big cucumber is hard because of......... Anyways.

She is like cause of everything. I think today I'm gonna die because of this floor that's hard as rock. I used to love sleeping on the floor but today i hate it. I want to sleep on the bed but i am hundred percent sure sangquake will kick my ass. I sat on the floor.

I am gonna sue those two love birds i mean ghost for doing this to me. I'll see them in the court.

"Sangquake" i call her name.

Basically my teeth die everytime i call her. Even my teeths hate her. I waited for her to say something but she didn't. I looked at the bed, she is lying on it like dead body.

I control myself from stabbing a fake knife in her throat.

"Love" i call her again.

"What the fuck do you want?" She ask. Her voice is as irritated as fuck. My eardrum suffer ear stoke everytime she talks.

"Can you sleep on the floor?" I ask nicely.

"Of course i can sleep on the floor but for that, first you need to die" she said.


I gritted my teeth. She added one more reason to hate her.

( By the way i would have said the same thing. Yeah i am hypocrite as fuck)

"I can't sleep on this shitty floor" i nearly broke down.

"First of all the floor is more cleaner than your future and teeth combine. And second of all i would love to see you suffering on the floor" she said.

That was the biggest lie of the century. My teeths are more cleaner than her white hairs and for a record my future is more brighter than her white facepack that she uses.

"For your knowledge, my future is as bright as sun" i said.

"Yeah that's right, soon your future will be burnt because of the heat of the sun" she said.

I stare at her. There is small smirk on her shitty face. In the darkness also i can see that horrible smirk.

I decide to not talk or I'll kill her for sure. My blood pressure is already getting high, i don't want any other pressure.

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