10. Sangeeta

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I hate going to any show, no i hate to socialize and going out. I just want to sit at my office and wants to do my works from there only.

If I had my own ways I would have stayed at my office and attended every charity function from there only. My dead nails also suffered a heart stroke when i got the news of today's charity event. Since my schooldays only I was shy, introvert yet topper student. I never liked participating in any function of school, every friend of mine used to participate in those function except for me. I always thought that these things are not for me. I used to go vacation during those function. Even I moved to Singapore, I never participated in any of the function except for business quiz (that were held inside the campus).

I have always nearly hated socializing with people, going out, even I go to any function I put timer on my watch. I don't want to waste my single second in any of those function. They are suffocating for me, they make me sick. I love going out only when I am alone.

Sometimes i forget how to talk when i meet a completely new person. Once i hide under my bed for five hours to avoid meeting new people. I am really bad at this.

Meeting new people is like threading eyebrows, painful and traumatizing.

Translation: I sucks at conversation.

Currently i am going to a charity event for my new project. The project is river is one of the biggest project for our country and for my company as well. I would have spend my rest of the day in my office but it was mandatory for investors and managers to join the event so with a heavy heart i agreed to go there.

I love it when i meet people whom i don't know but i hate it when they know me. It almost took me one month to become comfortable in my own company.

When i joined Singhania groups, i felt like completely outsider. I knew no one. Only i know how i spend those months. But fortunately, slowly i learned to deal with these peoplle.

i wore a simple white dress.

"Come down. We are already late" I heard crackyhead's voice. I checked my watch. We still have thirty minutes to go. I ignore him like I ignore relative in family function.

Since he is living with me(temporary) so we decided to go together to this charity function. The charity function is being organized by Oberoi and Singhania groups for project river. I didn't wanted to go but it was mandatory for every important members of the project to go on this function.

"Stop decorating your ugly face sangquake, if you are not coming down in two minutes, I am leaving" I heard his voice again. I rolled my eyes. I don't give damn about him. If he wants to go he can but I will take my time to get and not to forget I still have time. I fix my hair, saw myself in mirror, I look great. I took a deep breath and relax my racing heart beat. I close my eyes and reminded myself that I only have to stay for one hour.

You can do it sangs.

I released a breath and went down. The first person I see is none other my enemy who is talking to walls. I see his back. He haven't noticed me yet.

"I know, she is full of attitude" he said to the walls. He nod his head as if the wall is talking to him.

Look I was right he is mad.

" Yeah I agree! She is a piece of shit" he said. My eyebrows frowned as I heard him, whom he is talking about.

"I am hundred percent sure she is hiding a dick under her panty" he said. He seems so involved in this shitty conversation.

"What the fuck?" I said. He shivers and then turned around, his jaw touched the floor, and his eyebrows nearly touched the ceiling.

"What the fucking fuck! Were you hearing our conversation? Don't you know about the word privacy" he said. I would love to laugh when he said the word privacy, this asshole invades everyone's privacy, he  freaking tried to invade his best friend's honeymoon and here is talking about it.

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