3. Shivansh

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Humans are like poop, sometimes they give pleasure by cleaning our stomach but sometimes they are pain in our hole. I am third type of human, the one who can be pain in ass and sometimes pleasure for stomach.

I was busy in my future thoughts that's when my phone buzzes and i saw a message from Agastya.

Agastya: Why sangs left your car? *Bombastic side eye emoji*

I rolled my eyes as i read his message. He is my bestie number four. His wife, Annika, is my second bestie. And how the hell he knows about car incident. Did she tell him about that? Obviously, i am asshole who showed her my dick but i am hundred percent sure she was impressed, the way she was looking at me proves that she wanted to give me blow job.

Translation: She wanted to punch me.

I am currently in my meeting room thinking about how to kill my enemies without killing them.

No I'm not thinking of killing sangquake.

Ok fine I'm thinking of ruining her day.

Today is the day when we will discuss about the project river. It is one of the biggest and first project of my life, so i need to work my ass off to make this project successful.

"Shall we start sir?" Ravi said and i looked in his direction. He is standing on the door waiting for my instructions. I just nod and he went outside to call everyone.

I feel little scary now because I'm going to meet my nemesis after twenty-four, six minutes and two second.

I wasn't counting the time. It's my watch's work.

Everyone came inside the meeting office and i motion them to take their seats. Everyone is here but her. She is late by one minute.

The only thing that's common between us is that we are punctual. But she is late today. It's perfect opportunity to taunt her every time she fights with me.

"Fucking elevator" i heard her voice.

She came inside the meeting room like Strom and lightening. Red lipstick, open black hairs, coat and pant with a coffee in her hands, goggle on her eyes. Her brown eyes meet mine and i stare at her shamelessly. She is breathing heavily, and credit goes to me.

I ordered to stop the elevator. I wanted her to get late so that i can get a chance to see her fucking face without smirk and without that evil smile she gives me every time she sees me.

Translation: I am asshole.

"You are the late" i said with a slight smirk on my face. I know what i am doing. I think i am going to love each and every second of this moment.

"It's because of your damn elevator" she said while stroking her hairs.

"Don't give excuse just accept you are late, and we'll start the meeting" i said.

"I am not late you are guys came early" she said.


"I think you need deserve a punishment for being late" i said.

My big cucumber is ready.

"Say that again and I'll punish you by not investing in this project" she said with a smirk on her face. My soul nearly shouted, i gritted my teeth.

"Let's start the meeting. Shall we?" She said and i forced a smile.

I have no idea how she carry that much attitude in her tiny body. I am sure her pancreas are also done with her attitude.

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