2. Sangeeta

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Life become fucked up once you graduate from college. My half life is fucked up. I need to find focus in my damn life. When i came back from Switzerland, i thought i will live great life here, in India, but it is fucked up here. I thought of enjoying it after my graduation but God had other plans for me. I wanted to take a small break before joining the company but dad decided to take a break from work so it was me who had to take responsibility to run the company.

Since my childhood i have always dreamt of becoming a super businesswoman and now that i am getting the responsibility of completing my dream, i feel little nervous.

The Singhania group, the empire that has been created by my dad, is one of the biggest companies in India. It's an honor to work for this company. Next month i will become the CEO of this company. Before that I am just working for it.

Currently i am going to yuvi's home, he is one of my childhood friends. He invited me to his home. This is the first time i am going to his home after i came back to india. I brought some gifts for maira, his wife who is a friend of mine. I have met Maira once in switzerland, we didn't get time to know each other but she seemed really nice person.

For me it's really difficult to meet new people because i am introvert but maira has never made me feel like i am stranger to her, in that one meeting only she made me comfortable, i am looking forward to meet her again.

As i reached the sharma mansion, where my friend live. I got out of the car and rang the doorbell.

I'll be lying if i say i am not nervous, of course i am nervous. Even if i have met someone before then too i feel little anxious to meet them again. I calm down my racing heartbeat.

The door of the sharma opened and the first person i see is maira, who is standing in front of me with a bright smile on her face.

"Welcome Sangeeta" she said and hugged me tightly. Okay, i didn't expected her to hug me. I just stand like a statue, not knowing what to do.

"Sangs, you are suppose to hug me back" she whisper.


I shake my head and hug her back.

"So happy to see you here" she said and released me. I smiled. She is such a sweetheart; her smile is enough to make you feel comfortable.

"Me too" i smiled.

"Let her come inside angel" i heard yuvi's voice. I went inside the house and hugged him. It's been so long meeting him. I met him in Switzerland when he was there for his honeymoon with his family.

"Glad to see you but why are you still alive?" I asked sarcastically.

"Because i have responsibility to satisfy my wife" he said and i shook my head. He is the man without filters. Maira's face turned red, she hit him on his arm.

"Yamraj!" maira said while blushing and i shook my head.

"Come, let's sit" maira said and we all sat on the sofa. I looked at both of them, there is something weird going on between both of them. They are looking at each other like they want to say something.

"You guys okay?" I asked.

"Yes" they both said together. I don't know but i feel like they are hiding something from me.

"What is it yuvi?" I asked. I know him very well, i know something is going on between both of them.

He looked at maira, she motion his him to open his mouth. He sigh, his gaze meet mine, i raised my eyebrows.

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