4. Sangeeta

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"What is this shivansh?" Anant uncle asked. He looks angry.

Anant uncle is the father of crackyhead.

My parents have been close friends with him since we were children. Although I didn't spend much time with him, still I am in a good relationship with him.

"She threw water on me" crackyhead said. Anant uncle looked at me then his eyes softened.

"Sangeeta!" He said. He smiled as his eyes met mine. I smiled back. He came near me and hugged me.

"You okay?" He asked while shooting a glare at crackyhead. He has been good with me.

"Yeah I am good. How are you?" I ask.

"I am good and it's really good to see you. You have grown up so much" he said.

His eyes darkened when he saw crackyhead and his meeting room. Basically we destroyed everything with water. It's like a mini pool.

Crackyhead is standing like the most innocent child in the whole universe. I know he is gonna blame everything on me as always.

"Who did this?" Anant uncle asked and looked between us. I look away, my eyes stare at the floor.

Anant uncle sighs. It's been twenty years since we started these shitty fights. I can't believe we fought like kids. In our childhood also we used to fight but today i think we have crossed the limit.

I am going to be the fucking CEO of singhania's industries and crackyhead is the CEO of oberoi groups and we nearly ripped each other's soul by throwing water. I have no idea how I am going to explain this to you again.

In my peripheral vision I saw him looking at the ceiling like it's the best thing to see.

"Clean it" Anant uncle said calmly.

A ghost of smile formed on my face because crackyhead is gonna work in front of me. Nothing is more beautiful than watching him cleaning the floor.

"We have wo..........." He started but Anant uncle interrupted him.

"In two hours" anant uncle said. Crackyhead murmured something and gritted his teeth. He looks like he is controlling himself.

The relationship between him and his father is absolutely not good. He fights with him all the time. I don't know what his problem is with anant uncle. I have never seen them together. I never saw them talking like a normal father son.

I am not your servant" crackyhead said and I sensed the tension increasing in the room. I think it's time for me to interfere or they'll end up fighting.

"I'll clean it. It was my fault" i said.

Anant uncle looked between us.

"You don't have to do anything. The cleaners will clean it" he said.

"No we can clean it" crackyhead said with dead expressions on his face. I rolled my eyes. Here i am trying to save him and he is showing attitude, fuck his attitude.

"Sangeeta will not clean it" he said.

"She will" crackyhead said.

For fuck sake.

They both are glaring at each other like they are ready to fight.

"Yes uncle, we'll do it" i said.

Uncle looked at me then nodded.

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