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Problems are like sunscreen, they are fucking sticky and i am their favorite person.
From my childhood only i knew how to face problems and handle them. My English teacher used to call me problem solver expert, but no one ever knew the pain i went through while solving those problems.

Everyone expected something from me, from my parents to my neighbour. They called me brave, strong and super women but they never understand the pressure that i went through.

As i grew up i understand one thing that people are always ready show up when you don't need them, and when you need them the most they disappear.

"Mam you dad is on the call" Yug, my assistant said.

I am currently in my office, trying to settle down the things. It's been one month since i came back to India but still everyday i get to know new things about my company.

In one month I'll become the CEO of the singhania groups so i need to do things properly. It's really important for me to settle things as soon as possible.

I took the phone from yug's hand and released a deep breath before talking to my dad.

"Hey dad" i speak calmly.

"How is my sweetie?" He asks.

"I am good, dad. what about you? When are you coming back?" I ask.

My dad went back to Singapore to bring mom back to India and also to enjoy some quality time with each other. And in his absence, it is my responsibility to take care of the company.

My mother is Canadian. My mum and dad went to Princeton together where they fell in love with each other, they got married and that's how i was born.

"We are coming soon sweetie" dad said.

"Sounds cool" i said.

"Hmm. By the way did you sleep well yesterday? Did shivi took care of you?" Dad ask.

The scenes from yesterday's night ran in mind. My best friend yuvi fucking scared the shit out of me yesterday. I almost had a stroke because of those ghost.

I wasn't surprise when i saw yuvi there as the ghost. He always pull these kinds of pranks with me. But agastya, i didn't knew why he agreed to do that. He seems nice and shy but yesterday he was not at all nice.

"It was good dad" i said simply.

"That's great! I'll tell shivi to stay at our home until we come" dad said.

Hell no.

"No" i nearly shouted. "Umm, i mean that's not necessary dad, i am grown up now. I can take care of myself" i said.

I will die for sure if he stays at my home again.

"Yeah i know you have grown up but for me you are still that little kid so i am not listening anything on this. Shivi is staying at our home sweetie and that's final" dad said.

I am hundred percent sure that i must have done something wrong in my previous life that's why God is punishing me like this.

"Is there a problem sweetie?" Dad ask.

"No dad. Umm, i have some works to do so I'll call you later" i said.

"Ok. Take care" dad said and i cut the call. I took a deep breath and gave back the phone to Yug

I look at yug who is looking at me with mischievous smile on his face.

"What?" I ask.

"Have a good time ma'am at night"  he said and step out of the office.

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