5. Shivansh

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Women are like Harpic, they help us in cleaning our heart and soul, they make us perfect. And men are like toilet seat, fucking stupid, full of shit and as dirty as hell, it's women who clean us and our heart. They make us look good and good people.

Female friends are the human version of a diary, they hear everything about our problem patiently and try to solve our problem.

Men are like boobs, always ready to get sucked by others, always horny. On the other hand women are like hairs, long, strong, silky (except for one) and the most beautiful thing.

"I am with sangs" Annika said and i rolled my eyes.

Currently I'm having a girls night with my bestie, maira and annika. Both Yuvi and Agastya suffered a dick attack when i told them about this bestie night out.

"Me to" maira said. I just shook my head, I should have known they would support sangquake no matter what.

"She tried to kick my ass for God's sake" I said , trying to get their empathy.

"Because you ruined her coat," maira said.

"Maybe she wanted to touch your balls" Annika said and a ghost of chuckle escaped from my mouth.

Sangquake thinking of touching my balls is the last thing she would do. She would prefer to cut me into pieces rather than touching my dick. She is fucking dangerous.

"That's the last thing she would do" i said.

"Nah! I don't think so. I believe in the power of enemies to lover trope" annika said and it took me everything to not roll my eyes.

Annika is obsessed with books, everything she see, she romanticize it. She is a sucker for romance books. She fell in love with every character of her books. Every time i met she talk about her new book boyfriends. Well agastya is jealous of her book boyfriends so sometimes i took advantage of that to tease him.

"It's never gonna happen anni" I said simply.

"Why not?" She ask.

"Because she is like drugs, fucking dangerous for me and my mental health" i said and took a sip of chai.

Translation: Jaan jaye par chai na jaye.

"And you are addicted to that drugs" anni said with a wide smile on her face.

"She is not dangerous shivi" maira said, defending her.

I somehow controlled myself from running away from them. They are my friends but still they are taking her side. She is fucking stealing my friends.

Today is the first time I feel so low in girls' night out. Every time we do these meetings, generally I am the one who speaks the most but today I am speaking the least. I don't feel like talking. Today what happened between me and sangquake is running again and again in my damn mind.

The way she threatened me, I hated every single second with her. Even my pancreas suffered so much because of her. She is an insufferable, irresponsible, half minded and womanless woman.

My day got even worse when I saw that call. I couldn't control myself from blocking that number. I am grown men i should not feel scared but past is like fucking poop, you never know when it decide to come back to you. It's been almost thirteen years but i am still not recovered from my past. Past is like fucking ghost, it haunt me everyday.

I was lost in my thoughts when my phone buzzed and I saw almost hundreds of messages from yuvi and Agastya.

Yuvi: What the fuck are you doing with my wife?

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