Laios x Y/N "Dense"

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Laios POV

The others and I just stopped near the corner of an abandoned old house to camp for the night

And I must say I'm getting all excited and giddy to try out the new monsters Senshi and I slayed to be cooked for dinner!

Marcille was washing up near a river while Chilchuck was cleaning his tools and supplies at the opposite corner, so it was up to me and Senshi to prepare for our dinner

He, of course will handle the cooking untensils and frying pan while I went to grab woods.

I picked up a few before deciding to return and give them to Senshi but for some reason...I couldn't shake off the feeling of someone watching me..

from behind, the sides and at the front I can feel their eyes watching me everywhere.

And before I could even blink for a second my mouth was covered by a hand and pulled me to the corner of the tree

"Move and I'll let them end your life this instant."

I raised my hands up and surrendered, I don't want to hurt anyone..even if they are threatening to take my life

"Don't move. and don't scream." She ordered and I nodded my head obeying her

She placed her index finger to her lips and looked around, I was wondering why she pulled me back but now I understood...

There was a wendigo...a huge freaking wendigo wandering around

"What in the actual hell is that—"


Wait.... Oh no...if that creepy thing is around this area wouldn't that mean!

The wendigo wanders around this area of the could I forget?! It's appearance is kinda cool, but not the way it murders people..

soon enough the wendigo moved to another direction and once it was far enough from us the stranger sighed in relief and looked at me.

"Your friends are probably dead by now" she bluntly remarked, letting go of my hands and stands up

She walked back to what our supposed to be camp and she was right...everyone is gone all dead laying on the floor.

I fell down on my knees feeling shivers and chills on my back, however the person patted my back and went to retrieve the bodies of Marcille, Senshi and Chilchuck as if this was nothing at all.

"W-What are you doing?" I reluctantly asked, she shot me a weird glance and respond

"I'm gonna resurrect them of course. you can pay me by giving me a decent meal"

I nodded in desperation and cried out "a-alright! please bring back my friends from the dead!"

She nodded and huffed "good. now just wait there while I revive them, it'll take a while but it'll be done soon"



Once I fully healed and resurrected everyone from this man's party I sat down and sighed in exhaustion wiping the sweat from my forehead.

"W-What just happened?...w-where did that wendigo went off to?!"

The Elf girl panicked while the half-foot crossed his arms together shivering "Whatever that thing was, one. it was hella creepy, two. I'm glad it's gone"

the Elf girl looked at me and grabbed my wrist thanking me for saving them, I sighed and shrugged it off

"No need to thank me, everything has a price and you should all expect that when it comes to a job like this."

The half-foot asked me to name my price I just shrugged and bluntly answered "eh I just want a decent meal"

He gave me a look and raised his eyebrows "really? Just a decent meal? that's far too good to be true"

"Well maybe the lass is just hungry! Don't worry dinner will be served in a minute" the dwarf enthusiastically answered before returned to cooking

"Why not ask for money? I mean..that's what everyone usually demands" the Half-foot asked

"I don't need money at the moment, money is useless in this floor and money isn't edible to eat once you grow hungry" I responded

"Huh...fair point" he nodded and hummed in agreement.

"I'm thankful for your rescue but..we still haven't gotten a proper introduction, my name is Laios, this is Marcille, that is Chilchuck and the chief over there is Senshi!" the Tall-man's name is Laios.. interesting

I nodded and bowed "I'm Y/N, nice to meet you guys"

"Y/N huh?..that's a beautiful name!"

I shot Laios a glance and never expected that compliment that came out of no where

For some reason it's making my cheeks turn red and I'm starting to grow embarassed!

"W-What the hell do you mean?—" I stammered

Chilchuck and Marcille sighed in defeat mumbling about how dense and idiotic he can be at times..

"He's hopeless.." the elf groaned

"He needs to work on his intra-personal skills.." the half-foot remarked.

"What's wrong with complimenting someone? I was just being honest about how I feel as all, and I really do think Y/N has a pretty cute name—"

I cut him off and quickly acted against my own will, placing my hands on his lips to shut him up.

"T-That's enough about my name being cute! I'll just accept the compliment so..t-t-thank you!"

I wasn't acting all shy and bashful when I was in skin contact with him earlier so why now?!

Laios looked at the others proudly and grinned placing both his hands on his waist

"Heh see? Y/N thanked me which means I'm doing a pretty good job"

Marcille, Senshi and Chilchuck deadpanned looked at him and shake their heads all saying in unison

"No you're not."

Laios looked down with a sulky face like a little puppy getting scolded by its mother

"Come on let's start prepping for dinner, Senshi is almost finished with the grilling"

Chilchuck commanded and so he and Marcille stood up and went to prepare leaving only me and Laios sitting on the log

"You can leave Laios there for a bit
Y/N he'll get over it quickly" Marcille suggested before continuing to help preparing for supper.

I looked back at Laios and he was drawing circles all around the ground with a duck lip pouty face mumbling and muttering nonsense.

sighing I stand up and walked towards Laios reaching out for his hand

"Come on let's go grab some dinner, that's our agreement isn't it? You still have to feed me as your payment"

I grinned, Laios looked up at me and smiled brightly like a ball of sunshine as he reached out for my hand and stands up

"yeah you're right, we owe you our lives so it's only fair to grant your wishes!"

As if earlier never happened his mood suddenly changed jolly and dragged me back to the camp where everyone was waiting for us

"I'll ready myself of becoming a third wheel as soon as Laios realizes his lovesick..." Chilchuck mumbled while Marcille sighed

"I'm usually enthusiastic about romance but..somehow It's weird imagining Laios being lovesick.."

Senshi patted both their heads and chortled "Ahh Young love..despite Laios being so dense that is."


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