Kabru x Y/N "Jealousy"

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This is the first request ever made in this book of Delicious in Dungeon! Thank you so much! I do hope that you'll like this oneshot and hope you don't mind I added a little bit of twist ^ ^

Thank you for this wonderful request : IrisGichu

And I also hope you enjoy reading this new book I'm currently writing fellow readers!!



Today isn't really one of my best days unfortunately.

First of all we died. AGAIN. second of all our foods and supplies were all stolen. And lastly, Kabru has been so distant lately that it's pissing me off for who knows why..

I sighed to myself leaning my cheeks to the palm of my hand and my elbow to my knees, looking at the distance and started to overthink things again.

"You're spacing out again Y/N"

I flinched when I felt someone tapping my shoulders, turns out it was only Holm with his signature "w" shaped mouth and droopy sleepy eyes smiling at me

"You scared the skin outta me Holm" I huffed and chuckled, he walked to my left side and sat down beside me

"Mind for some company?" He asked, I shrugged and answered

"by all means, it's probably also a good idea not to be alone at the moment before I start overthinking again.."

Holm snorted and sighed shaking his head and looked at me

"It's about Kabru again isn't it?"

I shot him a glance and raised my eye brow at him "I'm assuming you guys noticed?"

He nodded and looked the other direction

"That he spends more time with Rin these days? Yeah everyone noticed, at first it was quite odd but I'm beginning to understand now that I figured it out"

I blinked multiple times,, tilting my head to the side confused "I'm...afraid I don't follow.."

Holm chuckled and replied

"I can't really tell you anything..if you really want to figure it out, you have to confront Kabru and let him tell you the truth"

"Well....it's not like I have much of a choice..but for now I'm not talking to that moron." I deadpan looking at Holm with my pissed off expression making him sweat a bit

"That's..quite understandable, I mean..he can be quite a bit of a handful at times and is usually a ladies man but I can assure you he does mean well"

"He may be a good guy in general but that doesn't make it an excuse to avoid me for ten whole days without explanation"

I gritted my teeth and clenched my fist feeling the mix of sadness, confusion and the anger. I have the urge to smack that guy in the head..

Kabru and I were once very close when we were younger, we talked about many things such as books, animals, the gossips around town and just observing our surroundings

Both of us were misunderstood by many people but...we were there for each other when one needs it the most.

we were both inseparable but now?...well...now we just act like strangers around each other..

and it's pissing me off because I don't know where it went wrong..

was it the time we met Rin? was it because I didn't have enough time to hang out and go to taverns with him anymore?

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