Laios x Y/N "I'm in Love with a Monster"

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"Hey Y/N have you seen Laios anywhere? I kinda need something from him and I can't seem to find that idiot for some reason.."

Chilchuck lazily rubbed the back of his head and yawned obviously looking dead tired.

I finished wiping the freshly cleaned dishes and patted my hands on the sides of my shirt and stood up

"Laios said he'll be out in a bit to help Falin and Marcille with the groceries"

I replied, Chilchuck hummed and nodded thanking me before slowly turning back to his own room and slammed the door shut.

He was probably still half asleep during our brief conversation...

a few minutes passed by and the door opened revealing Laios, Marcille and Falin all carrying different varieties of grocery bags and other shopping bags which I assume to be new clothes or products they use.

"Hey we're back!" Laios exclaimed happily and jumped like a little kid, Chilchuck opened his door once more to see the commotion as so did Senshi from the kitchen.

"Welcome back you three...found anything interesting? and don't even start with the monster foods Laios."

Chilchuck knew what Laios was up to and it was adorable yet funny ay the same time how easily predictable Laios is

Even normal and average individuals would be able to tell that Laios is very oblivious and predictable once you get to know him.

Laios pouted at Chilchuck's remark while Falin and I giggled at the sight, Marcille just sighed in exhaustion and Senshi was busy taking the foof supplies to the kitchen.

"Now, now Chilchuck let's not be too harsh on Laios, since you're barely awake I suggest you go back to sleeping"

I suggested making Chilchuck think it through and hummed stretching his arms up "yeah guess you're right..was too tired to even think straight..."

"I think I'll hit the hay too you guys..I've spent way to many mana at the moment because of those monsters night-"

Marcille stretched and yawned, Falin said she was also feeling a bit tired so she took Marcille with her to their shared rooms to take a nap

Chilchuck was back in his own private quarters and Senshi was in the kitchen prepping the marinated kelpie meat and lobster meat

"Are you two not tired??" Senshi asked, Laios and I looked at each other then back to Senshi shaking our heads 'no'

"Well then mind if you two help out for a bit?"

Laios was ecstatic to help out so of course I tagged along to help Senshi prepare the meal

"I'll go grab the bowl and utensils needed!" He beamed and immediately went to grab the things needed

Senshi and I laughed at the sight of Laios being so energetic despite using all his energy earlier

He still has the strength to be enthusiastic despite his tiredness

that's one of the things I admired about him...

"You seem to be fond of Laios ain't that right Y/N?"

I snapped at the thought and shot a glance towards Senshi with pink cheeks

"I-I uhh don't know what you're talking about"

Senshi gave me a chuckl before returning back to mixing a few of his spices to the marinated beef

I sweat and looked away laughing awkwardly, rubbing the back of my head

"W-What made you even think of that anyways—"

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