Holm x Y/N "Compatible" Part 1

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"Everyone, I'd like you all to meet the new addition to our party meet
Y/N L/N she's been a long time friend of mine since our teen years"

"Please to meet you everyone" I bowed as Kabru introduces me to his party members

"She's actually good looking isn't she Kuro" the tiny boy whispered to his kobold friend

"Yes, yes very cute" the Kobold nodded

"Come on no whispering you two, don't be rude to our new member" the dwarf girl scolded, while the black haired girl was silent the whole time she just nodded towards me.

It wasn't really much of an introduction but at least they acknowledged my presence, I hope I don't mess something up

"The boy and the Kobold are Mickbell and Kuro, the pretty ladies there beside them are Dia and Rin and lastly that gnome over there is Holm"

Kabru pointed towards the gnome with light brown hair wearing a black little hat who was waving towards us smiling

"What's he doing??" I asked

"He tends to his undine pet from time to time, I'm guessing today is feeding time" Kabru answered.

I hummed and nodded observing the gnome guy having a conversation with his pet, honestly I find it very cute

"Would you like to get to know Holm first Y/N?"

I flinched, it took me by surprise with how fast Kabru was at observing people it sometimes creeps me out but oh well, it's a useful skill so I guess it doesn't bother me much now.

"U-Uhhm maybe later? he seems busy with his pet undine I wouldn't want to interrupt them"

glancing at then once more I smiled a bit when I saw him giggle while playing together with his pet undine, it didn't really go unnoticed by Kabru since he started grinning and wiggling his eyebrows at me

"Come on don't be shy~ I can help set a little play date for both you and your pets~"

I scrunched my nose and laughed lightly punching his bicep

"I just met the guy and you immediately want us to go on a date? don't be ridiculous"

Kabru laughed and pinched my cheeks causing me to yelp and smack his hands away

"Okay, okay I'm sorry I'll stop teasing..for now at least~"

"Alright, change of topic when are we gonna return back to the dungeon? I need to know so I can list down the necessities needed."

I grabbed my notebook and pen scribbling down and started to write the things we needed.

"We better not forget the foods that are easily preserved, we should grab some extra clothings too and some clean water"

listing down the things Kabru said I nodded and closed my book returning it back to my satchel.

"Can we go eat something now? I'm starving" Rin complained, Mickbell and Kuro agreed and whined how their stomachs are grumbling now

Kabru sighed and chuckled, immediately standing up from his chair and grabbed his traveling bag

"Shall we head to the tavern then? I suppose we can get something nice today to also celebrate our newest member of the party"

"Hey where's Holm?" Mickbell asked

"I'm here, sorry for the wait"

just when Holm was walking towards us Kabru nudged my side while grinning at me teasingly, it confused Mickbell, Kuro and Holm but Dia and Rin caught on

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