Senshi x Y/N "A Token of Appreciation"

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There's something y'all should know about me...

I have an issue..

it's not really that big of an issue really, just something other people will find..odd

"Y/N mind lending me a hand for a bit??"

I flinched and grew flustered when I heard that voice, with a stuttered voice I responded

"Y-Yeah! sure thing be right behind you Senshi"

Yup...I have a thing for older men

especially Dwarfs...

My kind aren't really that fond of dwarfs, half-foot's or even elves I have no idea why

Or maybe...

They just think of other races as rare exotic foods?—

"Hurry up Fish tail! We're gonna be late!" Chilchuck yelled out, I immediately rushed and grabbed my travel bag and followed along the others

Senshi was at the side waiting for me to match my pace

Ughh see?! This is exactly why he is my ideal type of guy! such a gentleman, patient, kind, generous and is good at cooking too!

Any girl or guy would be lucky enough to be together with this man honestly I'd be jealous of anyone ending up with Senshi

"What level are we now again?.." Chilchuck asked looking up at Laios and Marcille

"Around level five I believe.." Marcille replied

"Well then we should start camping soon then maybe we can get the fire started so Senshi can cook" Laios suggested with such enthusiasm.

I felt someone tapping my shoulder, I shot a glance behind me to see Senshi carrying a bag of meat with him

"This level is where you said you lived before is that correct?" He asked

I nodded "yes, this is where I grew up there's a river stream connecting the canals to the upper levels, that's why I was able to travel through different dungeon levels faster than others"

Laios beamed excitingly at me firing so many different questions all at once, Marcille had to hook her staff to his head which surprisingly fits?..

"Let Senshi and Y/N cook first then you can ask your questions" Marcille scolded

"Shall we begin the preparations
Y/N?" Senshi called out, I turned to face him and nodded smiling.


I started by chopping some onions and garlic before handing them to Senshi

once thrown to the pan it started to sizzle and the aroma was making the others drool, I giggled at the sight before glancing towards Senshi

he must have noticed my gaze at him so I quickly went back to chopping more vegetables like nothing happened.

"How are your wounds doing Y/N?
I hope it's healing well"

It took me by surprise that he started a conversation so easily making the awkwardness on the sir disappear

He never fails to amaze me, these are one of the reasons I've taken a liking of this man

Sheepishly scratching my cheeks I chuckled and glanced at my wounded arm "it's doing alright thanks to you guys"

"That's good to hear! I was worried for a bit that the infection would spread, but you have strong immune system that's a good sign"

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