Falin x Y/N "Love Potion"

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"Okay...this goes here and..the hydrogen needs to be placed inside this container...."

"Hey Y/N-san??"

I looked up from doing my work and was greeted by Falin's beautiful and cute face, I smiled and asked

"Yes? need something Fal?"

She looked down and fiddled with her fingers, mumbling

"Well..y-yes actually..uhm...err..I was kinda wondering if you could help me work on our project?"

I stopped what I was doing, rested my arms on my waist and looked at Falin "from which subject?"


I made an 'oh' sound and expression, nodding my head and clicking my tongue as I chuckled

One thing Marcille and I know for sure is that Falin isn't really good with mixing or experiments, we already confirmed that assumption during our first projects with the spirits in the jar...

Luckily for me alchemy is my expertise and of course I'm planning on helping my cutie patootie of a best friend

I nodded and hummed "sure thing I'll help you out"

Falin excitingly clapped her hands and enthusiastically jumped on her tippy toes which was so adorable to witness

I can see why so many people are so fond of her especially those guys..

She is too kind... beautiful and so generous..

Though she can sometimes be TOO kind- Nope, scratch that. She is ALWAYS TOO kind!.

but that's one of her quirkiness and I love that about her

"Meet me later at the lab okay? I'll teach you everything you need to know"

"Yay~ I can't wait Y/N-san!"


Soon as we arrived at the lab I can already tell Falin was fidgeting from excitement and honestly I couldn't blame her.

She is eager to learn and I shouldn't disappoint her!

"Okay which potion did your professor told you to make?" I asked scanning through the Alchemy book, Falin pointed at page sixty-nine and it made my cheeks a little red just by reading the title..

"How to create a love potion"

Well...isn't this something..huh ..
surely isn't my cup of tea but that's what they want us to learn?..

Isn't that suppose to be illegal to make a love potion?-

Oh well whatever as long as we wear masks, gloves and avoid inhaling the scent of this love potion it shouldn't be a problem.

Falin and I placed our protective gears and sprayed alchocol

"So...where do we start?" Falin asked

"It says here in the book...first..drop one table spoon of sugar then two cups of water on the container, next
Pluck three petals of roses and mix"

Falin followed my instructions and step by step did all of those in proper order careful not to miss a step.

It was nerve wracking even for me but so far we're doing a pretty good job with this

After forty minutes of stirring and letting it sit for a while the final product was finished

It made Falin jump in ecstasy clapping her hands and hugged me tightly.

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