Holm x Y/N "Compatible" Part 2

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Holm POV

It was the next morning and everyone was dressing up and preparing to leave straight to the first floor of the dungeon

while doing so I was minding my own business when Kabru suddenly popped out of no where crossing his arms and leaning against the door frame

"Soo~ how'd it go? I'm guessing you two hit it off well"

I sighed and throwed a towel to his face before returning back to packing my bag

"You pissed her off big time Kabru" I joked

He laughed and sat down on the bed beside me

"I'll have to physically prepare myself then, although for real though I'm curious, what do you think of Y/N?"

I stopped packing and stared at my books before looking at Kabru waiting in anticipation


"Don't be shy~ you know you can tell me anything right?" Kabru grinned

sighing once more I chuckled and sat down grabbing my favorite book, he looked at the book in my hand and hummed

"You're thinking of lending that to her aren't you~?" He cooed

"W-Wha—? How did you know?"

It caught me by surprise the way he can easily read people's mind like a psychic it sometimes creeps me out, but then again it's Kabru so I got used to it overtime.

He chortled and ruffled my hair grinning "you both share that in common, she likes reading as well I'm guessing you two talked about your favorite novels already"

"You need to stop mingling with other people's businesses Kabru or Y/N might actually knock some senses to you" Mickbell sighed while leaning at the door

"Are you two ready? we should get going now" Dia popped her head from the door frame before returning back to whenever she was doing

"Yeah we're all set and good to go" I replied before hooking my bag to my arms

"Come on, let's go pick up Y/N I'm sure she'll be in for a surprise once she finds out we're— no. YOU will be picking her up" Kabru sinisterly grinned

"She is gonna beat your ass up for sure" Dia remarked

It hadn't even been a week yet they already know what Y/N will do once she finds out Kabru was planning yet another scheme involving her..

and... apparently me as well..



I woke up early in the morning to go grab some breakfast at the tavern down stairs, it wasn't all fancy but it was decent enough to feed a hungry person.

They won't be here for the next few hours so might as well enjoy my personal me time

after eating my breakfast I decided to do a little light reading at the corner while drinking my morning coffee

it was a very relaxing day without Kabru getting all clingy or mingling with my business

don't get me wrong, I love the guy but sometimes he can get a but overwhelming.

"I'll go grab some sandwich and maybe some booze as well!"

"Slow down with the alchocol Mick, remember we're heading straight to the dungeon after eating"

"Rin is right, we don't want you getting all drunk before our adventure even begins"

Oh..I didn't know they'd be here this earlier today huh

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