Part 29 : Sweet Promise

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The next day

Nami's Pov

I was all set to meet him at 5, but then college decided to throw some extra work my way. So, I gave him a call explaining the situation, and you know what? He was totally cool about it. It's moments like these that make me realize just how amazing he is - understanding, supportive, and always there for me.
I told him I'll come over when I'm done with work .

As promosied after finishing my work I was at his doorsteps by around 6.
When I rang the bell , Reiju-san was the one who opened.

"Hey Nami-san"

"Hello reiju-san , is sanji-kun home ?"

"Yess , he's upstairs probably in can go check "

"Okay thanks "

Sanji's pov

Today was quite the hectic day, I was standing in the terrace adoring the blue sky and I heard the door open , I turned around to see a gorgeous women .

"Oh hii you're heree" I said while smiling

She crossed her arms and said
"Sanji-kun. What. Are. You . Doing ?"

I realised I had a cigarette in between my fingers
"that..I- was -kind uhm "

"Didn't I say something about not smoking" She said as she walked towards me .

" Sorry, I wanted a ...break "

"You know it's bad for your health , i want to have a long and healthy future with you. Now promise me you won't smoke again "

"P-promise ?i-uhm"

"Don't hesitate !, I won't talk to you if I see you smoking again , come on promise me "
She said as she forwarded her hand

"I-I promise "

"I-uh I don't want to loose you " She said while tears formed in her eyes .

I dropped the cigarette from my hand , I didn't knew it bothered her this much .
"Hey , I'm sorry I didn't knew it bot-"

As I was speaking I felt her soft lips in mine .
My eyes widened and
It felt like the world paused for a second, and in that moment, it was just the two of us. It was an incredible feeling.

She pulled away and gave me a smile .
Before I could say anything she again gently pressed her lips against mine , as her hands warped around my neck .
My heart was pounding so fast , I felt it would pop out of my chest any moment now , screaming 'yess I'm kissing her again' .
As her delicate soft lips brushed against mine , a warm , light sweetness and a hint of strawberry enveloped in my sense .
One of my hands got a hold of her waist while the other one was going through her soft and silky hair .
Both of our eyes was closed as we got lost in the moment.

She slowly pulled away taking a breath , both of us slowly panting, with a smile.

I took her hand and placed multiple kisses
That's when I noticed a faint red line.

"Whats this ?"

"N-nothing , you..know how i-i wear Scrunchie on my wrist right? That caused the mark that's w-why I'm not wearing one , today "

It was quite evident in her eyes that she was lieing , I raised my eyebrow

"Nami-san , what happened?"

" It's not a big deal-"

"Tell me "

Nami's Pov

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