Chapter 4

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Hot shot woke up early the next morning in Cook Children's hospital. So far he has done many tests and check ups to get ready for his treatment. He was soon going to start his radiation treatment. 

Dr. Zhao came into the room. "Hot shot how are you doing today?" Dr. Zhao asked.

"I'm doing okay," Hot shot said. "When am I starting radiation therapy?" he asked.

"You will start it on Monday," Dr. Zhao said. "So I hope you are ready for it," she said.

"I am ready to be brave," Hot shot said.

"Very good," Dr. Zhao said.

Hot shot was wondering about radiation therapy still. He knew about some of the side effects and how it was painless. He was wondering what it would be like to experience it. He was wondering about that a lot.

"I know what radiation therapy is and what is does, and the side effects," Hot shot said. "But what is it like when you get it and go through it?" He asked.

"Well Hot shot it can vary from person to person, but it can be a very grueling treatment and cause a lot of problems," Dr. Grete said. "But the import things to remember is it is going to help you," he said.

"How long will I get radiation treatment for?" Hot shot asked.

"You will get your radiation for 6 weeks," Dr. Grete said. "it is going to help," he said. "For your type of cancer it goes to the whole brain and spine, because that is how you do it for Medulloblastoma," he said. "But for other types of brain tumors benign and cancerous it is normally aimed at the spot where the tumor is or has been removed," he said. "Radiation is sometimes given while patient is also getting chemotherapy," he said. "Or after chemotherapy, in some types of tumors," he said. "But when it is Medulloblastoma it is give before chemotherapy and then after radiation therapy is over it is a few week rest period and then chemotherapy," he said.

"Oh," Hot shot said. "Do I have to take those medicines by mouth they have been giving me since I was told I have this type of cancer?' he asked.

"Yes until Dr. Zhao and all of us other doctors on your team agree and tell you it is time to stop," Dr. Grete said.

"Okay," Hot shot said.

On Monday morning Hot shot was getting ready for his radiation therapy. Hot shot was very nervous about it. But he was ready for it. Hot shot was taken to the radiology center. Hot shot was ready to get his radiation treatment. Hot shot was holding on to Roxy the rhino and saw his friends there.

"Hi," Hot shot said.

"Hi," they said to him.

Hot shot was a bit nervous to say the least. Then after a few minutes a nurse came out. "Hot shot," the nurse said. It was Hot shot's turn. Hot shot went back and the nurses checked his vitals. "Hot shot where are you going to get your radiation treatment?" a radiation therapist asked.

"To my head," Hot shot said.

"Us radiation therapists will ask this question every time for safety reasons," the radiation therapist told.

"Okay," Hot shot said.

Hot shot was soon in a big room. There he saw this really big machine. "This is the radiotherapy machine, it is what gives you, your radiation treatments," the radiation therapist said.

The machine looked like a big space age gizmo. It was kind of cool to say the least. Hot shot found it to be very interesting. He was amazing by how big it was. 

Hot shot climbed up on the bed. Then laid down. "Okay now ready for your mask?" the radiation therapist asked.

"Yes," Hot shot answered.

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