Chapter 6

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Hot shot was in the hospital getting treatment for a brain tumor called Medulloblastoma. Which is brain cancer. Hot shot is fully recovered from the brain surgery. Hot shot was able to do all the things he was used to doing. He was doing very well and was very proud of himself too. Hot shot was very happy and to being doing just fine during treatment.  

Hot shot was soon taken to the radiology center to get an MRI and to get radiation therapy. Hot shot was ready for it too. "Okay Hot shot stay nice and still," Howie told him. Hot shot was getting the MRI first. Hot shot was staying very still. Hot shot held on to Roxy the rhino as the scan was going on. Then the scan was over. "Good job Hot shot you did well," he said.

Then Hot shot was take to get his radiation therapy done. Hot shot was staying as still as possible. He was doing a really good job. Hot shot was staying still as a statue. He wasn't moving a muscle. He was breathing calmly and quietly. Hot shot was listening to Pokemon music as he was getting it done. Hot shot heard the whir of the radiotherapy machine as the music was playing. Hot shot was thinking about many things and such. He was wondering about doing video games as competing and if he does do it, he could he do it if he doesn't have a video game system? Hot shot was thinking about a lot of things. But Hot shot was doing just fine. Then the radiotherapy machine stopped.

"Okay Hot shot you are all done," Tallie said.

"All done for today," Hot shot said.

Now Hot shot had a few things to do. Hot shot has been having radiation for almost six weeks. His last radiation treatment is tomorrow. Hot shot was looking forward to finishing it up. Hot shot's hair was still falling out quite a bit. Hot shot was find a lot of hair in some places. Hot shot was still getting used to it.

That Friday Hot shot came to the radiology department to finish his last session of radiation therapy. Then the was going to have six week rest before starting chemotherapy. Hot shot was looking forward to finishing radiation therapy. Hot shot stayed very still for it. Then after 25 minutes the session was over. "There you go Hot shot all done," Tallie said.

"I finished my last one," Hot shot said.

"You sure did," Tallie said.

Hot shot was able to take take his mask with him. His father helped him put in a safe place in his hospital room. Hot shot got settled in his bed to rest for a bit.

Hot shot was very busy. Hot shot was able to rest from treatment and then move on to chemotherapy later. Hot shot was wondering about chemotherapy. 

It was soon August and Hot shot was soon getting ready to start chemotherapy. Hot shot was wondering about chemotherapy and what it was going to be like. Hot shot was kind of nervous about it. So Hot shot watched the video on the imaginary friend society about chemotherapy. It explained how chemotherapy is given and the side effects of chemotherapy. Hot shot felt better after watching it and was knowing what to expect and what it does.

Hot shot was learning a lot about many different things. While in the hospital. Hot shot was learning a lot about his illness. He was learning about how it affects him and how the treatment will help make him better. Hot shot and his friends were all doing well with their treatment.

This morning Hot shot woke up bright and early. Today was the day he was going to start chemotherapy. He was a bit nervous but he was ready for it. Hot shot was ready and he looked at the Hickman line that stuck out of his chest. He knew he was going to be getting his chemotherapy through it.

First a nurse came and took some blood. Hot shot had to wait a bit. After a little bit Hot shot had take medicine. This medicine was to help with side effects of treatment and the symptoms of the brain tumor. Hot shot was now going to have to wait for the chemotherapy medication. "Why do I have to wait for it?" Hot shot asked.

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