Chapter 5

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Hot shot woke up in the morning he was getting checked over by the nurses. "Here is your medicine Hot shot," a nurse named Josie said.

Hot shot took the medicine. There were at least 4 different ones. Hot shot took all of them without a fight. "Good job," Josie said.

Then Hot shot headed to the radiology department to get his radiation therapy done. Hot shot was a little bit nervous still but he was getting used to it. He had only been getting radiation therapy for about a week. It was Friday. Which meant on Saturday and Sunday he was going to have a break. He was feeling some of the side effects of the radiation therapy.

Hot shot was feeling tired. Had a lack of appetite, had tummy aches, and he felt weak too. But Dr. Grete said it was normal.

Hot shot came in the room for his turn. The radiographer named Tallie put his mask on as he laid on the table. Then the bed was moved into position. Hot shot was staying very still. "Okay Hot shot we are ready to start," Tallie said.

"Okay," Hot shot said. Now Hot shot was alone in the room. The machine started and it was going well then after about 20 minutes it was over.

"Okay Hot shot you are all done," Tallie said. "You will get another treatment on Monday," she said.

"Okay," Hot shot said.

Hot shot then had to go get some tests done. Hot shot got a lumbar puncture. He also got an MRI and something called PET scan. Hot shot also got a check up too. They wanted to make sure Hot shot was doing okay during the start of treatment.

Hot shot during the next couple of weeks he was getting radiation. He was also getting tests done too. Hot shot noticed his hair was starting to fall out today.

He noticed it when he woke up this morning. He woke up and stretched. Then he rubbed his eyes. Hot shot then saw some hair on his pillow. It was blonde like his and his mother's. "Mummy I think my hair is starting to fall out," Hot shot said looking at the hair on his pillow and picking it up. It was a small handful handful of hair not a lot but it was enough for Hot shot to notice on his pillow it was several strands.

Quickshadow saw the hair in Hot shot's hands. "Yes I see it Poppet," Quickshadow said. Hot shot was ready for another radiation treatment. Hot shot was getting used to it. Hot shot was already to go. He got into the wagon. Hot shot always chose a wagon to go to the radiology department. Hot shot liked it a lot. It made getting to where he was going in the hospital fun. Made him feel like kid.

"Okay Hot shot let's go," Quickshadow said and pulled the wagon along. Hot shot was happy to be riding in the wagon.

They made it to the radiology department. "Here we are Hot shot," Quickshadow said.

"I'm ready for it," Hot shot said.

"Very good," Quickshadow said.

"You ready to Roxy?" Hot shot asked Roxy the rhino. He made Roxy nod. "Roxy is ready for it too," he said.

"Very good," Quickshadow said.

They were inside and Hot shot was playing with some of the other kids there. He was mainly playing with Hoist, Medix, Whirl and Wedge. They were his friends. They were becoming very good friends. Hoist, Medix, Whirl and Wedge were staying the hospital till August like Hot shot.  

The five friends were not happy about staying so long in the hospital. But they were glad they had some friends their own age in the hospital. They even made friends with the other children in the hospital too. They liked to play together and go to each other rooms and spend time together.

"I noticed my hair was starting to fall out this morning," Hot shot said then scratched a small itch on his head and some hair fell out. "There goes some of my hair," he said.

"Yes I notice some of my hair is falling out too," Hoist said.

"Same here, I am also starting to lose my hair too," Medix said.

"My hair is starting to fall out too," Whirl said.

"I am also starting to lose my hair as well," Wedge said.

"I am going to wear baseball hats, beanies and be bald and proud," Hot shot said.

"I am going to wear bucket hats," Hoist said.

"I am going where baseball caps," Medix said.

"I am going wear head scarves," Whirl said.

"I am going wear bandanas," Wedge said.

"Sounds like we all have different styles," Hot shot said. "That is kind of cool," he said. Hoist, Medix, Whirl and Wedge had to agree.

Then a nurse came out. "Hot shot," the nurse said. Hot shot went back to the area.

Hot shot laid down on the table and Tallie put his mask on. "Are you ready Hot shot?" Tallie asked.

"Ready," Hot shot said. "Can I hear some story books?" he asked.

"Sure," Tallie said.

Penny read a few picture books over the intercom while Hot shot was get his radiation therapy. Hot shot was able to listen carefully and enjoy the stories. He was cuddling Roxy the rhino while it was going on. He was pretty much used to the radiation treatment.

Then the machine stopped. "Okay Hot shot you are all done for today good job," Tallie said.

"Alright," Hot shot said. Hot shot got a sticker in a book and got a bead.

Then Hot shot got checked over by his doctors. "You are doing really well so far," Dr. Zhao said.

"I still feel tired, weak and sometimes have a bit of a funny tummy," Hot shot said.

"That is normal," Dr. Zhao said.

Hot shot was able to go back to his room later on. Hot shot was happy to be back in his room. Hot shot soon went to sleep. Hot shot sometimes had to take medicine at night. Hot shot woke up and saw a nurse with some medicine. "But I want to sleep," Hot shot said.

"I know you do, but we will make it quick," the nurse said. "Would you like to take the white, or pink, or purple or red first?" he asked.

"I guess the pink," Hot shot said. He took the medicine. "Now the white," he said. He took the white one. "Red now," he said swallowing it.

"Okay now last but not least the purple," the nurse said.

Hot shot took the last medicine. "Good job, give me a high five," the nurse said. Hot shot gave the nurse a high five.

Then Hot shot went back to sleep. Hot shot was going to keep fighting and he was going to fight hard. 

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