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What does it take for people to like you? For you to feel like you belong here?

Another day in this horrible school. That is what goes through your mind everyday, for every step you take in the campus. The only source of entertainment you have here is your phone, and perhaps, the girl in front of you right now.


In a hurried stride, Hotaru makes her way through the crowd of students to get to you. You can easily distinguish her blonde, fluffy hair from a mile away. Along with her energetic aura, her height is also why she's such an eye catcher, whether it is in a good or bad way.

"Mornin' Hotaru." With a yawn, you reach into your school bag and hand her the promised assignment.

"Oh my god, thanks!" Along with a happy shriek, Hotaru instantly snatches her paper from your hands with a big smile. "Did you make use of the number I gave you?"

A nervous smile creeps to your face, accompanied with a sarcastic laughter. "Well, sort of."

Seishiro. That dimwit!

"But thanks anyway." Picking up your pace, you walk alongside Hotaru to your classroom, her bag in your hands. It's your way of paying her back, even if it's for something so little.

"Glad I could help!" Pupils surrounded by the color of indigo look at you with the same amount of excitement, pearly whites shining back at you through a smile. "If you don't like him, why do you want to be his friend so bad anyway?"

"I don't know, maybe I just need new friends?" You walk past familiar faces from your classroom, each of whom recognizes you almost immediately. You've been getting to know all of your classmates well over the last few days.

But that's not enough.

Every time the school bell rings, everyone naturally establishes their own group of friends. Although Hotaru is usually with you, she occasionally joins those cliques and leaves you alone.

𝘼𝙇𝙏𝙀𝙍 𝙈𝙔 𝙇𝙄𝙁𝙀.┊͙˖*°࿐ 𝓲. 𝓼𝓪𝓮 (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now