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Your blanket's soft material clings to your body, protecting you from the room's cool air coming from the wall-mounted air conditioner

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Your blanket's soft material clings to your body, protecting you from the room's cool air coming from the wall-mounted air conditioner. Eyes that dwelled up in tears closed shut, refusing to open again.

You're not even mad at what Hikari said, you're just mad she said that in front of a guest and embarrassed you.

You shiver under the blankets, gritting your teeth as you lower your head and hug your knees tight. The terrible, old memories begin to creep back into your head. In an attempt to prevent yourself from hearing your own thoughts, your trembling hands cover your ears to drown out any sound.


Stop bugging me.

It's so noisy.

..My head hurts.

You open your eyes again, and hot dews of water sting at the outer corners as they fell. You sit up with a swift movement, your forearms wiping away the stains your sorrows have left on your face.

Turning your head around, you aren't mistaken when you see the tall, whitehead who you call your cousin.

"Are you.. okay?" You are calmed by his gentle, soothing speech. "If it makes you feel better, Hikari got grounded."

"I'm fine." Hugging your knees to your chest, you slowly move your head back to face the direction your body is facing. Seishiro notices the red color of your skin tone by the corners of your eyes but doesn't dare to ask about it.

"I'm sorry."


"That your dad left you." Seishiro gives you a blank stare before realizing that wasn't exactly the best thing to say in a situation like this. You fall back down on the bed, hiding your face with the soft pillows that comfort the back of your head. "Oh, shit. Sorry again, for saying that."

"Just go away." The cushions muffle the sound of your voice, barely reaching Seishiro's ears to signal him to leave. He stands by the doorway looking at you, and you don't notice his faint expression of pity.

𝘼𝙇𝙏𝙀𝙍 𝙈𝙔 𝙇𝙄𝙁𝙀.┊͙˖*°࿐ 𝓲. 𝓼𝓪𝓮 (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now