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"Hello?" Gracie speaks into her phone after waking to the sound of it ringing.

"Hey Gracie, Y/n's pretty drunk and I don't think she should have any more. Do you think you could pick her up? I know it's late" Y/n's friend says over the phone.

"Yeah, of course. Just send me the address and I'll be there as soon as I can" Gracie replies as she hangs up the phone and quickly puts on her shoes, getting into her car. She looks at the address before driving to the destination.

"Gracie! Thank you so much for coming, she's so smashed" Y/n's friend says as she sees Gracie at the entrance.

"Of course. Do you guys need lifts too?"

"Nah, we're gonna stay a bit longer. Thanks though. She's just over there" the girl says before walking over to the bar.

"Hey baby. Ready to go home?" Gracie says, putting her hand on her girlfriend's shoulder.

"Gracie! Come drink with me!" Y/n slurs before pulling her girlfriend towards the bar.

"I can't, I'm driving babe. C'mon, let's go home" Gracie says as she watches her girlfriend frown.

"But I don't wanna leave" Y/n says as tears fill her eyes.

"It's late and you're gonna have a massive hangover in the morning. You need sleep Y/n" Gracie replies, wiping her girlfriend's tears away.

"C'mon, we can watch whatever you want when we get home" Gracie says, gently pulling her girlfriend to her car and helping her into the passenger seat.

"Gracie?" Y/n slurs as she looks at her girlfriend with tired eyes.

"Hmm?" Gracie replies, focusing on the road as she keeps one hand on her girlfriend's thigh.

"Can we have sex?" Y/n asks as she takes her girlfriend's hand, pulling it higher up her thigh.

"Babe, you're drunk, no" Gracie replies as she takes her hand away.

"Y/n? What's wrong?" Gracie asks when she hears sniffling coming from beside her.

"Are you not attracted to me anymore?" Y/n mumbles with tears in her eyes.

"Baby, of course I'm attracted to you! I'm so fucking in love with you" Gracie replies as she looks at her girlfriend with a shocked expression.

"Then why don't you want to have sex with me?"

"Because you're drunk. I'm not gonna take advantage of you like that" Gracie replies as she stops the car in their drive way.

"But I want you to take advantage" Y/n says as she puts her weight on her girlfriend who is helping her inside.

"If you're still up for it tomorrow, then I'd be more than happy to fuck you" Gracie replies as she helps her girlfriend out of her dress and into some more comfortable clothes. As soon as Gracie turns her head to look at her girlfriend, she feels her lips connect to her own.

"Baby, go to bed. I'm gonna get you some water" Gracie says after pulling away from the kiss hesitantly, only for Y/n to whine after she did.

"You're not coming to bed? But I want cuddles!"

"I'll be there in a sec, I'm just getting you stuff for the headache you're gonna have" Gracie arrives back a few minutes later with a glass of water and some Panadol only to see her girlfriend fast asleep. She sets the stuff on the bedside table and climbs under the blanket. As soon as she gets under the blanket, Y/n snuggles up closer to her causing Gracie to pull her closer.

Gracie wakes the next morning to the sound of someone throwing up in the bathroom. She quickly runs to her girlfriend's side, holding her hair back and rubbing her back.

"Hey, How're you feeling?" She asks with her raspy morning voice.

"Like shit" Y/n replies as she pulls her head away from the toilet.

"Yeah, well, you did drink a lot" Gracie replies with a teasing smile.

"Don't be cheeky, I just wanna go back to bed" Y/n says, walking back to their bedroom after brushing her teeth.

"You know, I did kinda say something yesterday, if you're up for it" Gracie hints with a smirk.

"Gracie, I'm so not in the mood" Y/n mumbles into her pillow, feeling the bed dip when Gracie lays beside her.

"Yeah, I thought as much" Gracie mumbles disappointedly.

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