Drive Through

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"Baby, what do you want?" Gracie asks her girlfriend as they sit at the drive through speaker.

"Uh, just my usual" Y/n replies, not looking up from her phone.

"Hey, can I just get a caramel latte and an oat milk la-" The brunette starts talking into the speaker only to be cut off by her girlfriend.

"No, wait! I want what you're having" Y/n says, poking her girlfriend's cheek.

"Actually, could I make that two oat milk lattes?" Gracie asks the girl over the speaker before Y/n takes her hand and slowly puts it on her upper thigh, guiding Gracie's fingers further up. Gracie sends her a glare before the worker asks if they would like anything else.

"Could I also get two brownies-"

"Wait, I want my caramel latte. Can you change it?" Y/n asks with a cheeky grin as Gracie whines but does what her girlfriend asks.

"Is there anything else I can get for you?" The girl asks politely before Y/n speaks up loudly so the speaker picks up on her voice.

"Gracie! Don't touch me there! We're in a drive through!" Gracie gasps loudly as she looks at her girlfriend in shock.

"Uh, no that's it thanks" Gracie mumbles into the speaker in embarrassment before driving to the next window.

"What is wrong with you?! Why would you say that?" Gracie whines as she glares at her girlfriend.

"You should've seen your face!" Y/n laughs before Gracie stops at the window.

"You've made everyone in this area uncomfortable" Gracie mumbles before turning to the girl in the window.

"Hi, is your order correct on the screen?" The girl asks as she points to the screen that displays their order, looking away from the couple in discomfort.

"Wait! We need to get Audrey and Abby something" Y/n says before her girlfriend can confirm the order.

"No, they can get their own shit" Gracie replies only for Y/n to give her puppy dog eyes causing the brunette to sigh.

"Sorry, could I also add two more caramel lattes?" Gracie asks with an apologetic smile.

"Of course!" Gracie pays for the order before collecting the items at the next window and driving away.

"What was that?" The brunette asks as she glares at her girlfriend.

"What was what? I was just telling you what I wanted" Y/n grins as she takes a sip of her coffee.

"No, you were being a brat"

"You asked what I wanted. You know what I want right now?" Y/n asks leaning in closer to the girl.

"What would that be?"

"You" Y/n whispers in her ear before licking her cheek.

"I dunno if I'm annoyed or turned on" Gracie admits as she pulls into the driveway.

"Maybe you're both" Y/n grins as she presses a soft kiss to Gracie's lips.

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