Back Together

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Gracie wakes to the feeling of someone moving beside her before she slowly opens her eyes, seeing her ex girlfriend sleeping on her chest. Her eyes widen when she sees the two of them naked before a jolt of pain rushes to her head. She quickly gets up and gets dressed before heading to her kitchen to look for some pain relief, being careful not to wake the girl in her bed.

"I know you had a lot to drink but I didn't think it was that much" Audrey teases when she sees her best friend slouched over their kitchen counter.

"I fucked up Audrey. I don't know what to do" Gracie groans as she lifts her head up to look at her roommate.

"Why? What happened?" Audrey asks as her face fills with concern.

"I slept with Y/n. I don't even remember seeing her at all. We were so fucking drunk she's gonna hate me for this" Gracie grumbles as tears fill her eyes.

"Dude what? Ok, first of all, she's not gonna hate you. She could never hate you. Your relationship ended on good terms. What are you gonna do about this? Do you think you'll get back together?" Audrey asks as excitement fills her face at the thought.

"No, probably not. She broke up with me because I was too busy all the time. I'm not any less busy than I was a few months ago. She needs someone who can give her all their attention and I just can't do that. I wish I could though. You have no idea how much I want her back" Gracie sighs before the two girls turn their heads when they hear footsteps come towards the kitchen.

"Hey Y/n! This takes me back. You wearing Gracie's shirt that goes down to your thigh, no pants. Just like old times" Audrey teases the shorter girl when she sees Y/n walk into the kitchen.

"Hey Audrey! I missed you" Y/n says with a wide grin as she envelopes the taller girl in a hug.

"I missed you too. I wasn't expecting to see you here" Audrey replies as she returns the hug, smirking at her roommate.

"Yeah, well, things just happen I guess. Are the towels still in the same place?" Y/n asks Gracie, noticing the brunette staring at her.

"Uh, yeah. Just in the bathroom. Take what clothes you want as well" Gracie replies with a soft smile before watching her ex walk towards the bathroom.

"It doesn't seem like she hates you. That's good, right?" Audrey smiles at her best friend.

"She might've just been acting like that 'cause you're here"

"Dude, you guys were always very open about your fights. There's no way that's true" Audrey groans at the brunettes words.

"I just don't think there's anyway she couldn't hate me. I would hate me too" Gracie replies as she looks down at her glass of water.

"Gracie.. neither of you did anything wrong and she knows that. It just didn't work out. It's not anyone's fault" Audrey says before walking back to her room, leaving the brunette to her thoughts.

"You okay? You've been sitting here since I woke up" Y/n asks when she walks back into the kitchen, fresh out of the shower.

"Uh, yeah. Yeah, I'm good. How're you feeling?" Gracie asks with a soft smile as she gets the shorter girl a glass of water.

"I'm good too. Actually.. can we talk about last night?" Y/n asks as she nervously drinks from the glass.

"Yeah, of course" Gracie agrees as she brings Y/n the her room, watching as she sits on the bed.

"Look, I know last night didn't mean anything to you and I know you probably never wanna see me again but I just want you to know that I still love you. I love you so much and last night meant everything to me and-" Gracie is cut off when Y/n speaks up.

"Gracie, last night meant everything to me too. I love you too but I can't just be an after thought. I can't be the person you just came home to and ignore all the time. I need you. I want us to try again but I need to know you'll be in it this time" Y/n says as tears fill her eyes.

"I want you back so much Y/n. You were never an after thought. I know I didn't treat you the way you deserved but I promise I'll do better if we try again. I will do anything for you. I am completely in love with you. Please, be my girlfriend again?" Gracie asks with a hopeful smile as she takes Y/n's hand in her own.

"Of course I will Gracie. I missed you so much!" Y/n exclaims as she envelopes the brunette in a hug, hiding her face in her shoulder.

"I missed you so much more" Gracie mumbles as she kisses Y/n's head and tightens her arms around the girl.

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