Abrams Family Vacation

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Y/n groans while pushing her face further into Gracie's chest after being woken up by the sound of loud banging coming from their door.

"Wakey wakey! It's morning! We've got a whole vacation to look forward to!" Henry yells to them through the door before Gracie yells back.

"It's fucking 6 in the morning dumbass! We're on vacation! Leave us alone!" She whines only for her brother to continue banging on the door. The two girls sigh before getting out of bed and going to the dining room for breakfast.

"About time you two got up. I was gonna go in, but I didn't wanna see anything I shouldn't" Henry teases as he eats his breakfast at the table. Gracie glares at him as the two girls sit at the table as well.

"Henry, stop making fun of them. We're on vacation" Katie scolds the boy as she finishes serving up breakfast. The boy rolls his eyes before going back to eating his breakfast.

"Who are you texting?" Y/n asks Auggie with smirk when she sees him smile at his phone.

"No one. Just a friend" He replies while hiding his phone.

"No one. As in a girl?" Gracie joins her girlfriends teasing.

"She's just a friend" He mumbles with a blush.

"That's how it always starts" Gracie replies as she takes a bit of her breakfast.

"Not for you. Didn't Y/n hate you when you first met?"

"She didn't hate me! We just didn't really get along" The brunette replies with offence clear in her voice.

"Babe, I love you now, but I really did not when we met. But now I do! I love you so much" Y/n presses a soft kiss to her girlfriend's cheek while playing with the brunette's fingers.

"Why didn't you like me?" Gracie pouts while intwining her fingers with her girlfriends.

"Your flirting was just very... out there. But I think it's cute now!" Gracie's pout disappears when Y/n leans up to press a soft kiss against her lips.

"Ew, get a room. You guys act like rabbits" Henry rolls his eyes as the two girls pull away. Gracie glares at him before taking Y/n's hand and dragging her to their room.

"That was quick. I knew Gracie couldn't last in bed" Henry teases when the two of them walk back downstairs a few minutes later.

"We were getting changed. Mind your own business" Gracie glares at him as the family begin to leave the house to continue with their vacation. They go to the store to get some stuff for dinner before Gracie gets pulled aside by her mother on the walk there.

"I just wanted to tell you; I found the ring" Gracie's eyes widen when she hears her mother's words.

"Wha- How?" The brunette stammers.

"You left your jacket on the couch last night. I picked it up and it fell out of your pocket. That's a pretty dumb place to keep it, Gracie. Y/n wears your jackets all the time, she would've found it if I didn't"

"I was gonna tell you. I just didn't wanna-" Gracie gets cut off by her mom.

"Gracie, you've been together for 6 years. I knew it was gonna happen. I wish you didn't wait so long; I've been wanting Y/n to officially be part of our family for years" Katie replies with a smile.

"Does anyone ese know you're doing this?"

"Only Audrey. She helped me pick the ring" Gracie answers as she watches her girlfriend with a fond smile.

"Do you know when you're gonna do it? Do you need help setting anything up?"

"I was thinking I would take her on a walk on the beach tonight. At sunset. She loves watching the sun set on the beach, but we haven't really had time to do it lately"

"That sounds perfect hon" Katie tells her daughter as she pulls her in for a hug.

"Gracie! Babe, this looks like Weenie! We should get it" Y/n exclaims as she runs up to the two of them to show them a mug that had a picture of a dog on it.

"That's nowhere near as cute as Weenie!" The two girls bicker while Katie just smiles fondly at the two of them.


"Gracie, how's the new album going?" JJ asks as the family all sit in the living room. Gracie sits on the couch while Y/n lays across the rest of it with her head in her girlfriend's lap.

"It's good, we're nearly done" Gracie replies as she plays with Y/n's hair.

"Are there any songs about me on it?" Y/n asks with a cheeky smile.

"There's so many songs about you" The brunette replies as she presses a soft kiss against the shorter girl's forehead.

"Are there any that we shouldn't listen to? I don't need to hear you thirst over Y/n more than I already do" Henry teases causing Y/n to blush and Gracie to send him a glare.

"There's not any songs like that, dumbass. Not on the album at least" Gracie replies causing Y/n to hide her blush by pushing her face against Gracie's stomach. Gracie looks outside to see the sun about to set.

"Babe, let's go for a walk" Gracie begins to stand up causing her girlfriend to whine. 

"Come back. It's cold without you" Gracie takes off her jacket after making sure the ring is in her pants pocket before putting the jacket over Y/n's shoulders. She takes her hand while they both walk out the door.

"Are you okay? You seem nervous" Y/n asks as she plays with her girlfriend's fingers.

"Yeah, I'm just tired" Gracie replies with a reassuring smile causing Y/n to frown.

"We can go back if you want-" 

"No! I want to be here with you. We haven't been able to walk on the beach in ages. I've missed it" Gracie presses a kiss against her girlfriend's lips before Y/n turns her body away from her to look at the sunset. The brunette takes this opportunity to get on one knee before taking the ring out of her pocket.

"Hey, Gracie-" Y/n stops talking when she turns around to see her girlfriend on one knee with a beautiful ring in her hand. Her eyes widen as she tried to talk but no words come out.

"Y/n, I love you so much. You have been my inspiration, my muse for the last 6 years and I want that to continue for the rest of our lives. Even if we fight sometimes my feelings for you won't ever change. You're the only person I want to be with for the rest of my life. Y/n L/n, thank you for loving me. Will you marry me?" Gracie asks with a tearful smile as Y/n's hands fly over her mouth as she nods continuously.

"Yes! Of course I'll marry you, Gracie! I love you so much!" Gracie puts the ring on her fiancés finger before wrapping her in a tight hug. The two of them pull away when they hear cheering.

"Were you guys following us?" Gracie asks when she sees her family standing a few feet away from them, not letting go of Y/n.

"Mom told us your plan. We didn't wanna miss seeing this. I'm happy for you guys. Y/n, there's no one else I would want as my sister-in-law" Henry replies as he pulls them both in for a hug. The rest of the family all congratulate them before Henry speaks up again.

"I'm swapping rooms with someone tonight. I'm not sleeping in the room next to them. Someone else can listen to their engagement sex" He teases as the family all laugh while Y/n and Gracie blush.

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