Meeting Abby and Audrey

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"Gracie, we're gonna be late!" Y/n whines as she waits for her girlfriend to get ready.

"It's fine. It's just Abby and Audrey, they're not gonna care" Gracie replies as she finishes doing her hair in the bathroom.

"Gracie, I need them to like me! They're your family and you love them. If they don't like me then your parents won't like me, and you won't like me and then we're gonna break up and-" Y/n rants before the brunette starts giggling as she pulls her girlfriend in for a hug.

"Babe, I promise you, there is no way Abby and Audrey won't like you. As for my parents, I'm pretty sure they love you more than me. And I don't care enough about their opinions to break up with you anyway. You have absolutely nothing to worry about" Gracie whispers into her girlfriend's ear while pressing a soft kiss against her neck. Y/n lets out a soft sigh as she wraps her arms around Gracie's neck, connecting their lips together.

"Although Audrey is my roommate. If she doesn't like you, you might never get to see Weenie again" Gracie teases but regrets it when she sees her girlfriends smile drop.

"Babe, I was kidding! She's gonna love you! She's been telling me to introduce you to her since before we even spoke" Gracie says causing Y/n to look up at her in confusion.

"But we didn't even know each other. You asked me out when we first met"

"Uh... Yeah. Sorry, I misspoke. I meant since we got together. We should probably get going, we don't wanna be late" Gracie quickly rushes out of the house after grabbing her purse, hiding her red face from her girlfriend. Y/n drops the topic when she gets in the passenger seat, feeling all the anxiety from before come rushing back to her.

"Baby, it's gonna be fine. I promise. I've never lied to you before, right?" Gracie comforts the girl, putting her hand on her thigh and gently rubbing it. Y/n lets out a shaky sigh as she puts her head on the brunette's shoulder, holding her hand in hers.

"You're right. I know you're right. But there's still a chance they might not like me. Are you gonna break up with me if they don't?"

"Of course not, I love you so much. I promise nothing they say will change my opinion of you" The brunette presses a soft kiss against her girlfriend's head before she pulls into the driveway of her and Audreys place. Gracie gets out of the car before walking around and opening Y/n's door for her. She takes the shorter girl's hand before leading them inside the house.

"Guys, I'm back! I want you to meet someone!" Gracie yells out when she doesn't see Abby or Audrey in the living room. Weenie comes running towards her while Y/n leans down to give him affection.

"You must be Y/n. It's so nice to finally meet you. We've been asking Gracie to introduce us for ages, but she must've just wanted to keep you for herself" The photographer says after entering the room, causing Y/n to stand back up to shake her hand only for Abby to envelope her in a hug.

"It's nice to meet you too. Gracie's told me a lot about you" Y/n replies nervously when she is pulled away from Abby and hugged by another taller girl.

"You're all Gracie ever talks about. I'm Audrey by the way. Did Gracie tell you she wrote a song about her crush on you?" Audrey tells the girl when they pull away from the hug.

"What? No, she didn't" Audrey's face turns shocked while Gracie's cheeks turn pink.

"What? Come here, I'll play it for you. It's gonna be on the new album" Audrey takes the shorter girl's hand to lead her towards Gracie's music room.

"Audrey, don't" Gracie pleads with her roommate only to be ignored. She sighs before following them to the music room. The brunette is a blushing mess by the time Risk is over, causing her girlfriend to kiss her on the cheek.

"You were obsessed with me! That's so cute!" Gracie whines in reply, jokingly pushing her girlfriend away while Abby and Audrey smile at the cute scene in front of them.

"It's okay, I was obsessed with you too"

"You didn't even know I existed"

"No, but I'm obsessed with you now" Y/n leans up to press a soft kiss against the brunette's lips while Abby and Audrey both fake gag causing Gracie to roll her eyes.

"Y/n are you staying the night?" Audrey asks as the group all sit on the couch with Weenie curling up in Gracie's lap, a movie playing on the TV.

"Yeah, I've got a meeting early in the morning and your place is a lot closer to it" Y/n replies with a smile.

"I thought you were staying to spend time with me?" Gracie asks jokingly causing Y/n to smile and roll her eyes.

"I'm actually staying to hang out with Weenie, but I guess you can stay with us" Y/n giggles when Gracie presses soft kisses all over her face.

"You guys are sickening. Me and Abby are going to her place so you've got the place to yourself tonight" Audrey teases with a smile as she gives the two a wink before she leaves the house to go with Abby.

"I told you it would be fine. They both love you" Gracie tells her girlfriend after she's finished giggling from the kisses.

"I love them too. Now that I love everyone that lives with you, I don't think I'm ever gonna go home" Y/n jokes.

"That works for me" Gracie smiles as she presses a kiss against her girlfriend's lips.

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