Weenie's Vet Visit

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Gracie wakes to the sound of Weenie whining causing her to groan.

"Weenie, stop whining" She groans before the whining continues, causing her to get out of bed to find her dog. She finds the dog laying on her couch surrounded by an empty chocolate packet.

"Weenie? Weens, did you eat this? Oh shit.." Gracie picks the dog up before running to her best friends room and waking her up.

"Audrey! We have to go to the vet; Weenie ate your chocolate!" Audrey rushes out of bed and changes out of her pajamas before getting into the passenger seat of Gracie's car, holding the dog while her roommate drives to the vet.

"I told you not to leave your chocolate out! Now look what happened!" Gracie stresses as she practically speeds to the vet.

"He's gonna be fine. It was only a little bit. Me and Abby ate most of it earlier" Audrey replies as she wipes the sleep from her eyes while petting the dog on her lap. Gracie parks the car before she rushes to the building after grabbing her dog being followed by Audrey.

"Hi! How can I help you?" The girl at the desk asks when she sees the brunette run towards the desk.

"Hi, my dog ate some chocolate and I just wanna make sure he's okay" Gracie replies as she nervously looks at her dog.

"Of course! Let me get your name and the vet will be right with you" Gracie tells the girl her name before taking a seat in the waiting room while glaring at her friend.

"This is completely unnecessary. It couldn't have waited until the morning? It is literally 4 AM, no normal person is awake at this time" Audrey groans as her eyes start to droop shut but before Gracie can scold her friend, they hear a voice.

"Gracie? We're ready for you now" Gracie looks towards the voice only to freeze when she sees the woman in front of her. She tries to speak but it only comes out as a whimper. Audrey looks at the girl before smirking when she notices her red cheeks.

"Gracie?" The woman repeats before Audrey stands up, pulling her friend with her.

"Sorry, it's been a long night. She's pretty tired" Audrey speaks for the brunette before the vet smiles.

"No worries, I'm Y/n and I'm guessing this is Weenie! Hi, I heard you had a little sweet treat. Don't worry, you'll be good as new in no time. Do you mind?" Y/n asks the brunette as she goes to take the dog from her arms.

"Uh, no, go ahead" Gracie speaks for the first time as she hands the woman her dog.

"You can come in but your friends gonna have to wait here" Y/n tells the brunette as she gives Audrey an apologetic smile.

"Yeah, that's fine. It's her fault this happened anyway" Gracie playfully glares at he friend causing an offended look to appear on her face.

"I told you; it was an accident!" But her words are drowned out when Y/n closes the door behind Gracie and herself.

"So, do you know how much chocolate he actually ingested?" Y/n asks while she begins to do the tests on the dog.

"Uh, no sorry, I don't. I was asleep" Gracie replies with a nervous look before Y/n smiles at her.

"Well, he's not vomiting. That's a good sign. He's had some water. You should be free to go now but I'll write down my number for you. Call me if you notice anything wrong" Y/n writes on a piece of paper before folding it and giving it to the brunette.

"Yeah. Definitely. I will definitely do that" Gracie stutters as she leaves the room with a light blush on her cheeks as Y/n watches with a soft smile before the two girls go back to the car while the girl at the desk smirks at her.

"You do realize she could just call the business, right? what'd you give her your number for?" She teases, overhearing the conversation that the other two women had.

"I just thought this would be more convenient. You know, because you never answer the work phone" Y/n replies as she playfully glares at the girl while using her hands to cover the blush on her cheeks.

"Don't bring my work habits into this. You were totally just flirting with that girl. By the looks of it, she was into you too. Did you see her face when you called her name? She looked like she was gonna pass out"

"I was not flirting with her. Just go back to work" Y/n tells her friend as she walks back to her office with a bright blush on her cheeks.

"Say what you want but you were totally into her!" The girl calls back teasingly causing Y/n to groan.


"What was that paper she gave you?" Audrey asks when they get back into the car.

"Nothing. Just a number to call. You know, in case Weenie has any trouble" Gracie replies only for Audrey to snatch the note out of her hands.

"Call me sometime <3 -Y/n and she gave you her personal number! I can't believe your awkward stuttering actually worked!" Audrey exclaims with a laugh as she reads the note out loud.

"It's just in case Weenie gets sick. Don't make it a big deal" Gracie replies as a smile takes over her face.

"Gracie, she drew a love heart. She wants you. I guarantee you, if you don't use this number, she's gonna feel rejected" Audrey glares at her friend before looking out the window, leaving the brunette to her own thoughts.


A few days pass and Gracie still doesn't use the number that sits on her shelf. As a result of this, Y/n goes to work every day with a never changing bad mood. Gracie has been stuck in her thoughts until Audrey has had enough.

"Just call the girl, you idiot" Audrey groans when she sees her best friend laying on the couch with a distant look in her eyes.

"I can't do that. Weenie's fine, there's nothing to call about"

"You are such a fucking dumbass. Come with me" Audrey takes her friend's hand and pushes her in the passenger seat of her car before driving to the vet's office.

"Audrey, stop!" Gracie groans when her best friend stops the car in the parking lot before Audrey pull her inside.

"Hi, is Y/n here?" Audrey asks. The girl at the desk lifts her head when she hears a voice only to smirk when she sees the brunette looking away with a shy smile.

"Y/n! Someone's here for you!" The girl yells out before Y/n walks out of her office and smiles softly when she sees Gracie waiting in the lobby. Audrey and the receptionist walk away, giving the two of them some privacy.

"You know, when I gave you that number, I expected you to use it" Y/n teases with a hurt look.

"Yeah, I just- I didn't wanna make a fool out of myself. If you only gave it to me to give you Weenie updates and I asked you out and got rejected, I don't think I could live with that. I mean, who could live with being rejected by you?" Gracie replies as she chuckles with embarrassment.

"Gracie, I drew a love heart for you. Of course I wanted you to ask me out"

"If it helps, I did add you to my contacts" Gracie tells the shorter girl with a soft smile.

"Okay, well, you're here now. I'm waiting" Y/n taps her foot teasingly.

"Okay, uh, Y/n, would you wanna have dinner sometime? Or see a movie if you're more interested in that" 

"I would love to go out with you Gracie. Just text me the time and place. Use my number this time please" Y/n replies with an excited look as she presses a soft kiss to the brunette's cheek before walking back into her office, leaving the girl to walk back to her best friend with a wide grin.

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