Chapter 8.

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You guys are gonna hate me this chapter, I'm sorry but bear with me.

I got woken up at 5am to someone banging on my front door. I turned over to see Embry not beside me, making me frown. I got up and went downstairs to the door. I opened to to see Sam.

"Sam?" I said surprised. "What are you doing here?"

"Kristen. It's Embry." Sam said making my heart drop.

"What happened?" I whispered. My mind running a million different ways.

"He was attacked last night," Oh Sam please don't say it. "By a bloodsucker. He's in critical condition, the vampire snuck up behind him and kicked him into a tree, and then continued to beat on him until Seth got there. He might not make it Kris."

He might not make it. Those words just kept playing in my head. I collapsed on the floor, crying so hard, I couldn't breathe.

Seth and Leah came over to watch for the boys, and I went with Sam to his house where most of the pack, besides Seth and Leah, were there and Sue. I walked into the bedroom where Embry was, laying lifeless on the bed. I started crying again. I looked over to my second mother figure, asking an unspoken question through my eyes.

"Krissy, he's in a coma. He was almost dead when Seth and the rest of the pack finally destroyed the vampire, that's why his wolf side isn't healing him fast like normal. His wolf was almost dead, along with his human side. He might pull through, but...he's also might not."

I nodded and walked out of the room, and the house to my car. I got in and stared at my steering wheel, before I started hitting it over and over, and over.

"Hey, hey, hey. Kristen!" I felt a hand grab my arms. I looked over to see Jared, leaning over my passenger seat. I continued to cry.

Jared immediately hoped on the passenger seat and leaned over the center console, wrapping his arms around me as I cried.

"Shh. Kristen I'm here, we're all here for you." Jared said as he rubbed my back.

"I- I don't want him to die Jare." I sobbed. Just then my phone went off. I picked it up, to see a reminder for baby's appointment.

"You have a baby appointment?" Jared asked. I nodded while wiping my eyes.

"Yeah. I'm gonna cancel though." I told him, trying to calm down.

"Don't cancel Kris. I think you need a little happiness right now." Jared told me.

"Alright, but can you go with me?" I asked him.

"Yes I can, but I'm driving." Jared said as he got out of my car.

"Jare, n-" I started but he cut me off.

"Kristen! You're not in the right state to drive. You're not winning this." He said giving me a look making me sigh, and get out of the drivers seat.

We got to the doctor's appointment. I Checked in and me and Jared sat in the room, waiting for the doctor to come in. The appointment went good and we got to see the baby, but I was surprised as hell when the doctor told us that theirs two little babies.

Me and Jared got back to the car, I was still in shock. I did the early gender test by the blood pull, tomorrow I'll be getting the results back. We got back to Sam's still no change with Embry. I was a wreck, I decided not to tell anyone about me being pregnant with twins. It wasn't the right time.


It's been five months since Embry's been in a coma. Christmas has passed. My 20th birthday, Ashton's 6th, Gunner's 3rd, and Embry's 21st birthday has all passed. It's now May and I could give birth any day now. There's been no change with Embry, he's still lifeless but Sue and Carlisle have checked, he's not brain dead. I'm thankful for my sister's family, they've been a big help. It's just a waiting game now but I honestly don't know how much longer I can take of this pain. I'm honestly thinking about leaving for a while again cause it's just getting to be too much for me.

Carlisle and Bella are in town, staying at their old house cause Carlisle is gonna deliver the babies. I'm officially a full on boy momma. The twins are boy's and I'm excited but also very sad cause Embry has missed the rest of my pregnancy.

I started feeling a lot of contractions, I started timing them. Once they were five minutes apart, I picked up my phone and called Bella.

"Hello?" My sister's voice ran through.

"Bells, It's time." I said breathing heavy from a contraction that hit me as I was talking.

"We're on our way!" Bella rushed before hanging up. Sam lets Bella and Carlisle on the res since he knows I need them right now, especially Bella. Aston and Gunner have been staying with my dad and Sue since I knew I would be going into labor any day now.

Bella and Carlisle got here within minutes.

"There five minutes apart?" Carlisle asked as soon as he saw me.

"Less than that now." I told him, in pain. He nodded and he picked me up and sped me back to their place. He gently placed me on the hospital bed, quickly hooking me up to Ivs and a monitor. He gave me an epidural and by no time it was time for me to start pushing. 

"Push Kristen." Carlisle told me, I did what he told me, squeezing the shit out of Bella's unbreakable hand. I pushed two more times after the first one and baby a was here. Justin Embry.  

"You're doing amazing sis." Bella told me, rubbing my arm. I smiled at her as I felt another contraction. 

"Carlisle." I groaned as this contraction was strong. Just then Alice showed up, taking Justin from Carlisle. She must have just gotten here. 

"Okay, round two. Push Krissy." Bella told me. I pushed only two times and baby b was here. Braxton Charles. I smiled seeing him. I suddenly felt so tired. 

"I'm so tired." I groaned. "Ow!" I screeched as I felt another contraction. This epidural is not working fully or at all. 

"Carlisle, what's going on?" Bella asked worried. Carlisle checked me and his eyes widened. 

"What?" Bella asked. 

"There's another." Carlisle told us. 

"No, I can't take anymore." I mumbled, shaking my head.  

"You got this sis." Bella encouraged. 

"Push for me, one more time Kristen." Carlisle said, I did as I was told. Four pushes later, and secret baby was out. 

Carlisle smiled at me, "It's a girl." I weakly smiled as I felt my eyes getting heavy. 

"Kristen." Bella said concerned.

 Suddenly everything went dark..... 

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