Chapter 10.

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Three Days Later; May 22nd. Bella's POV;

It's been three days since the triplets were born and my sister has been in transition. Today she should be waking up, so Sam came over and got the kids. Just so we can get Kristen situated.

"How do you think she's gonna be when she wakes up?" Alice asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Well she's a lot like Bella, so I think she'll be the same way she was when she first woke up." Jake said, looking at Alice.

"I honestly think her first thought will be the kids, like how Renesmee was mine. Well, that's what I'm hoping for anyway." I told them, kinda nervous. I have this theory and I'm super nervous for when Kristen wakes up.

Edward has never been able to read her thoughts, just like me and Jasper has always said Kristen is stronger than anyone he's ever met before. Plus any room Kristen has ever walked in before, the vibe in the room has immediately changed depending on her mood and she could always piss someone off really easy if she's pissed at them and there's been so many times that she's made the person she's fighting with, feel this unbearable pain when arguing or just through her words. Which makes me think, she might have some gift like Alec and Jane Volturi and that honestly scares me.

"What are you thinking about Bells?" Carlisle asked me, making me look up at him.

"Just what we talked about earlier." I told him, making him nod in understanding. He knows my worries and so does Alice. Alice told me she sees nothing bad, but that still doesn't ease my nerves.

I heard the whole house go unbelievably quiet, making me, Carlisle and Alice all look at each other. Kristen is waking up. I sped to the room. I stood by the door, watching my sister. Her eyes snapped open...

Kristen's POV;

Unbearable pain. That's all I've felt for the last couple of days. My body burned. It felt like my blood was on fire. I wanted to scream and cry in pain but it was like I was frozen. I couldn't move. I couldn't open my eyes. I couldn't scream out in pain, I was just frozen. I just wished for it to be over. This is what death feels like.

Finally the pain subsided. I felt perfectly fine.

I opened my eyes. Everything was so clear. I sat up, quicker than imaginable. I looked around the room, taking in everything. I could see dust, flouting in the air. I could see every little detail on the walls. I looked outside and I could see for miles, so clear. It was incredible.

"You look beautiful sis." I heard my sister's voice. I snapped my head over to where I heard her voice, she looked like a goddess and her voice was so beautiful. She was standing in front of the door. I got up and rushed to her, more like blurred to her. I was so fast.

I wrapped my arms around her. I thought I would never see her again.

"Sis," Bella croaked out. "You're a lot stronger than me right now, you gotta be careful." And apparently stronger than ever.

"Sorry." I immediately let go of her. "What happened? Why can I see literally everything? Why am I faster and stronger?" I rushed out, surprising myself by my voice. It sounded so different and velvety.

"You're like me sis, you're a vampire." Bella told me softly. Making my stomach drop.

"What?" I whispered, I can't be. I won't ever be allowed on the res again. I won't ever be able to visit Embry again. Embry. Why don't I feel our connection anymore!?

"Embry! How is he? Why can't I feel our connection anymore?! The kids, where are they?" I asked looking around frantically.

"Krissy, slow down. He's still the same. I don't know why you can't feel your guys connection anymore, it might be cause you were basically dead for three days sis. And the babies, they're great. They're with same and the pack right now." Bella told me, calming me down the best she can.

"I need to go see them." I told her, moving to go out the door when I felt a hand on my arm. I looked down to see my sister's hand stopping me.

"You need to hunt first and then I'll call Sam here." As soon as she said hunt, my throat started burning. "Come on."

We ran into the woods, I was so fast. I pasted Bella, which surprised the hell out of both of us. I heard an animal and took off towards it. Hiding behind a rock,
I looked and saw a bear. I watched it for a minute before pouncing on it.

"Wow, not a drop of blood of your clothes. You're good sis." Bella said, proud of her little sister.

"Well, out of the two of us, you were always the messy one Bells." I told her with a laugh, wiping my mouth.

We hunted a little longer, before heading back to the house. On the way back, we did run into a human who was a few miles away, hurt. It didn't even bother me, at all.

We arrived back at the house, and immediately was greeted by wet dog smell.

"Hey." Sam said as soon as he saw me, with a smile. I looked over to the couch, to see three car seats. I smiled and walked over there.

I saw my beautiful babies, Justin Embry, Braxton Charles & and baby girl. I stared at her for a moment before smiling.

"Luna Mae." I whispered. "Justin Embry, Braxton Charles and Luna Mae Call." I said smiling, looking at Bella who smiled at me.

"Beautiful Krissy." Sam spoke, making me look at him. "Beautiful names, and you look beautiful."

"Thank you Sammy." I told him, smiling before I sat down on the couch. Bella got Justin, Sam got Braxton and Jake got Luna. Bella gave me Justin first, Sam gave me Braxton next, and then Jake gave me Luna last, putting her in between the boys.

I looked at all three of them, before I looked up at Sam. "Has Ashton and Gunner met their brothers and sister yet?"

"Yes, your dad brought them over earlier today. I have pictures, I'll send you." Sam said, pulling out his phone. "Can I take a picture, for whenever Embry wakes up?"

"Yes and thank you, Sam. All of you really, thank you." I thanked them. I was really thankful for my support system.

"You're welcome Krissy." Sam said with a smile. He snapped a few pictures of me and the kids. I saved the pictures he sent me of the boys meeting the triplets.

We were all sitting down in the living room, the triplets sleeping.

"Krissy, I gotta ask you something." Sam started, pausing as if he was didn't want to ask.

"What Sam?" I asked him, curiously.

"Are you leaving?" Sam asked, looking at me. I sighed.

"Yes, I am. We leave tonight. I can't stay here anymore, it hurts to much being here, not knowing if the love of my life is gonna wake up. I plan on coming back in a few years. But for now, I can't stay here. If it wasn't for the boys and the triplets, I probably would've already given up." I told him honestly, my eyes filling up with tears. I blinked them away quickly. Sam nodded understandingly.

Later that day, my dad came over, dropping my oldest's boys. We had a long deep talk about everything and he understands why I'm doing it, I just have to keep in touch regularly and send him pictures of the kids frequently.

Rosalie, Emmett and Jasper arrived and Sam let them on Res so they could get mine and the boys stuff, I gave my car to Leah since I was gonna be needing a bigger one.

I said goodbye to everyone and so did the boys and we were off, to Denali Alaska.

There's gonna be a time jump in the next part.

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