Tempestuous Legacy #1

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Inspiration: Rock Hard Gladiators (I FUCKING MISS YOU FLUIDANIMS!) and Gildedguy stories.

Oh dude.. I goddamn miss them, really.. Resh, Nhazul, Stone, Shuriken, Terkoiz/Alfa...and others.. Fuck.

Gildedguy is really the new beacon of hope of Stick community, I hope he will soar even brighter than his predecessors.

Crossovers: RHG x Highschool DxD

Might include Hoyoverse and Hololive (Just for Y/N sake), dunno lessee..

Also, my DxD waifu will always be Ingvild only.


"This again."

Flap! Flap!

"I used to think I was crazy back then."


"Seen bunch of weird dudes comin to ma' house, but then cranky ol' pops just told me to go scram, didn't even bother to bust out his big pp buster.. And then yikes, lots of scream and earthquake-"


"Hmm? Wazzit Sei-Sei, boyo, lad, speak."

"..Am I.. dying..?"

"Nah, don't worry. I'd bandage you."

'Nothing ever goes wrong with white cloth'

Y/N looked down at the bleeding form of Hyoudou Issei. A hole was punched clean through the young man's abdomen.

Issei was a fairly average boy with brown messy hair and matching eyes. He wasn't all that athletic or very special, well at least to other people that is, Y/N doesn't judge.

He was wearing a nice looking clothes that he had prepared for his date. Sadly, it was ruined and were now stained with blood. His normally fair complexion was now pale as he bled out from his wound. The source of the wound? Well that would be the fallen angelic woman floating above them.

 The source of the wound? Well that would be the fallen angelic woman floating above them

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Her name was, or used to be, Yuuma. It was now revealed that her name was Raynare.

Raynare was an imposing figure as well as extremely erotic. She wore a revealing leather type of clothing that barely covered her breasts and gave an eye full of her toned body. The leather straps wrapped around and under her chest and split down her stomach to make black leather panties. She had long black gloves and shoulder pads with spikes on them. Her hair was black and her eyes a menacing violet. The biggest defining feature were the black wings that sprouted from her back.

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