Jellybeans Part II

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Ishu entered Ro's room after a hour to ask about Shubi. He found Ro was still sleeping and decided to wake him.

"Ro bhai wake up it already eight " Ishu patted Ro

"What ? 8 " it made him awake

"How was Shubi bhai ?" Ishu asked from the half awoke figure.

"He is alright now. Shubi will call you later Ishu. But where is Jassi? Why didnt he woke me up ?" Ro asked while rubbing his eyes.

"Oh he is having breakfast with Sky "

"Wait Sky is here…?"

"Yes bhai. I forgot to tell. Bhai Shubi is calling. Will meet you at the practices. " Shubi left

"Why didnt Jassi wait for me ?" Ro was thinking.

Ro reached dining area after taking a shower. He saw Sky and Jassi were still there. He went to thr table and hugged Sky.

"Missed you Surya  "

"I missed you more bhau " He replied
Ro sat in the same table.

"Dada I saw you after months. You should spend today with me " Jassi said with a sweet voice

"Dada ?" It was Ro

"Yes bhai. I decided to call him that, Im younger than him too "

Ro noticed Jassi had called him 'bhai'

"Oh "

"Its ok Jas. Lets spend time together. Even I missed you " Sky agreed

They left to the practices as they were done with the breakfast. All day Jassi was clingy with Sky. Ro felt something off.

"Sky, where are your bags. I didn’t see them in our room " Ro asked Sky in the evening

"Jassi ask me to sleep in his room bhau. I think its ok "

"Of cause you can. "

Sky left after that.

"Looks like I am alone tonight " He was almost before his next generation of troublemakers barged in. Thilak and DB. They insisted to sleep in his room. Ro had no problem with that.

Next day was Friday. Usually Ro go out with Jassi on Fridays. He waited until Jas show up. But it was already pass seven.  He went to Jassi's room and found that Jassi was just back from an outing with Sky. He said nothing and left them.

Ro started to feel hurt. He decided to find what is happening next day. Ro caught Jas alone in the morning.

"Jassi. Lets practice together today "

"But bhai I promise Surya dada to help in the net. I need to do some net practices too" Jassi answered as Ro expected.

Ro knew very well that Jassi is avoiding him after Shubi's incident.

"Why are you always with Sky these days ? "

"I’m not "

"I’m not blind Jas. I can see you are doing everything with him you used to do with  "

"Yes because he is better than….. " Jassi stopped himself after realizing what he was going to say

"Why not completing the rest Jas. Let me do that for you, Sky is better than me. See easy "

"Bhaiya, that’s not what "

"Am not I Rohit bhai now ? Don’t worry Boomrah. I will keep my distance from you" Rohit gave him a sad smile and left the place

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