Don't you love me anymore (Jassi-Ro)

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Some real things can be different in these stories

Rohit face a huge challenge during the test series. First one is his best friend is not by his side for more than a month. Most of the senior players were not in the squad. There were few new players who debut in this series too. But no need to tell about the support Ash, Jaddu and Rahul bhai gave him. More than everything his first kiddo was near him as his vice.

They were able to give a good game for the England team. Yes it was also fun to be around new players Ro started to remember his early days time to time.

"Why are you smiling bhaiya ?" Jassi approached him

"Oh.. Jassi.. nothing much I just remembered my early days. I'm feeling sorry for Mahi bhai " Ro told him

"Why is that bhaiya?"

"I and Vi were not the best kids someone could ever ask for. We troubled him a lot. Seeing these kid I missed my old days"

"Bhaiya..." before he tell anything Yashu came with Shubi.

"Ro bhai I was searching for you. You promissed you will sit with me in the dinner " Yashu said without a preamble.

"Nooo. Bhai I performed well today. You should take me to an Ice-cream treat " it was Shubi.

"No way bhai I came first. Tell him to go away."


"Stop this you two. How old are you ?" Ro ask them. Usually this makes them close their mouths

They both showed three fingers. Yes they have caught him.

"Ok toddlers can you wait at my room. I will join you two. And Shubi you can get your treat after the series ok. I don't want you to have runny nose tomorrow "

Ro sent them away. He was looking at their direction with adoration.

"Honestly Jassi. They reminded me of you two. You and Harry. Why you two grew up this fast" Ro sighed

Jassi felt a pang in his heart. He had a feeling that some people are going to replace his position

"Jas.. see you tomorrow. Take a rest ok " Ro patted his back and left.

Same thing happened after the second day

"I performed well in all the matches. You should treat me bhai " Yash wined.

"Bhaiya, I got the POM in the test 4 but couldnt even talk with you properly. Let me spend time with you. They always hanging around you" Ok who made Juru like this. He was an innocent kid back then.

Jaddu was passing them.

"What is going on Ro? Are these kindergarten kids troubling you " he asked and Yashu glared at him.

"I'm questioning my life choices here..." Ro whispered


"God. Stop screaming. I should get punished for pampering you all. Now you are becoming naughty kids day by day"

"We cant help when you are the teacher " Juru said sheepishly.

"Ok my annoying kids. You both can stay with me. And please don't provoke Shubi. I cannot handle any more. Jaddu that warning is apply to you too"

"Aye aye captain"

Ro spend the night with the kids. He woke up early in the morning due to a back pain. He tried to got up and winced. Yashu was woken by his voice

"What happened bhai " he sleepily asked

"I don't know Yashu. My back is hurting." Ro was keeping his hand behind his back

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