Not friends (MahiRaj)

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Yuvi was waiting for Mahi. Mahi was suppose to come to his room. Its pass their usual time. Mahi entered the room slowly hoping Yuvi is sleeping.

"Where were you? Its almost elevan " Yuvi asked him

"I was out "

"With whom ?" Yuvi cross the path

"Move. What is your problem. I’m not a kid "

"You say no to me whenever I ask you to go out for a ride "

"Come on Yuvi. Its not like you agree with everything I say. "

"I’m not commenting. I just ask who were you with. Is it that much difficult to answer "

"I was with Sonu " Mahi didn’t know why. He felt uneasy to say his name

"See. Simple " Yuvi said

"Oh…. So we are ok now ?"

"Ye..ah.. "

They both share room occasionally. They didnt know how it happened but they become closer.

They settled to sleep.

"Yuvi are you angry with me ?" Mahi couldn’t help but ask

"Why should I. Its your life your decisions " Yuvi turned other side to sleep. But he remembered Mahi always hugged him to sleep. He turen back and pulled Mahi to himself

"Thanks " Mahi hugged back

Mahi was again out with Sonu next day. He had to help Sonu with something. But took more time. They came back around one in the morning. Yuvi was in Mahi's room


"Where the hell were you ?" His voice was scary

"I was out "

"With ?"


"Of cause that Raina "

"I had to help with something " Mahi couldn’t say it as he promised Sonu not to. They went out to meet Sonu's girlfriend. She was in the girls hostel near their hotel.

"Yeah helping with what. No need to say. He needs help for many things " It was anger talking

"Why don’t you like him ?"

"What is so important about him ? Huh "

"Yes Sonu is better than you. At least he is a friend unlike you " Mahi said as he remembered Yuvi saying they are not friends.

"Then be with him " Yuvi stormed out of the room. He didn’t feel like sleeping in his room. That’s how he ended up in Rahul bhai's room. He know Rahul bhai is awake

"What a surprise " Rahul made a space to him

"Don’t tease me bhai"

"Had a fight with your friend ?"

"We are not friends "

"After all these things you two did. How Can you say that ?"

"I never saw him as a friend "

"What’s wrong with you Yuvi "

"I don’t know you tell me. You are my bhai "

"Seriously Yuvi. I cant understand you sometimes"

Yuvi got a call from someone. It somehow calmed him down. Finally he settled beside Rahul bhai and slept like a good kid.

"Loving your teammate is not easy I know it well" Rahul told to himself
Next day Yuvi took permission from Dada to go out. On the other hand Mahi was feeling upset for what he said previous night and wanted to talk to Yuvi. He met Rahul bhai.

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