Tantrums (MahiRaj) Rohirat

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Yuvi was getting ready in his room. There was another person who is glaring at every living and non living things in the room.

"I came here to meet you and you are leaving "

"I have an interview to attend Mahi. I need to do it before going to NYC. "

"Yeah you will be travelling all around the world. I will not get a chance to spend some time with you " Mahi complained

"Stop whining. I told you to join me. They are providing for two. "

"I have plans. And wc is not starting until next week. Why do you want to go this week "

"Will you go with me if I wait " Yuvi stooped fir a moment

"I told you I have plans"

"Then why should I wait for you "

"But "

"What is more important than accompanying your friends in a foreign country " Yuvi asked him

"My what ?"

"Your friends "

"I don’t have friends "

Yuvi wasn’t able to talk for a second

"Wonder why ?"

"Yuvi, I just….. "

"Chill MS I don’t care about it. Go and complete your works. Who am I to stop you "

"Ok now get angry at me for that "

"Later "

Mahi was upset with himself. He took his phone to check about Yuvi's interview. It was a live show. Interviewer was asking about him.

"I just want to ask this question. This is about MS Dhoni. You two must be close. I mean you are the only person he included in his biography as a player "

"Mmm "

"How is your friendship with him "

"First of all we are not friends. I mean we are kind of friends in cricket. Other than that we maintain a professional relationship "

"You mean you don’t see each other "

"Actually we do. I can ask him advices. We meet time to time. "

Mahi close the video.

"So I became a friend of cricket. What’s even that. You wanted to take me to NYC. See I’m coming. But not for you "

Mahi cancel his plans and got ready to travel. He got a messege from Raahul bhai.

"Mahi, come to NYC with Sachin and Dada. I booked tickets. Dont say no. "

             Jammy bhai

Mahi reached New York after Yuvi. He met teammates and Ro. Yuvi was not there.

"Bhai I’m really happy. You and Yuvi pa are here " Ro hugged Mahi

"What did you mean. Oh you are taking about that stranger whose name is Yuvraj "

"Stop it Mahi bhai. I know this has something to do with you. You always make him angry. And put the blame on him "

"There is no point of talking with you. You all are on his side. Where is Cheeku. He will take my side " Mahi pinched Ro

"Your Cheeku is not even here. Probably chilling somewhere "

"You should know about him Ro. You are friends "

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