Fire and ice (Harry-Jassi)

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Jassi was peacefully having sweet dreams when his nightmare decided to showed up.

"Go away Harry. I'm sleepy " He threw a pillow at Hardik.

"Rise and shine.. Jas.. you need to see the beautiful things in the morning.. birds are singing. Flowers are blooming.."

"And you are annoying. If you hadn't spent the night here playing video games, I would have woken up by now"

Jassi tried to sleep keeping his head under the pillow. Harry pushed Jas off the bed.


"See now you are fully awake " Harry ran for his life

Jassi was in the dining area after fifteen minites. He was having a muffin, thinking it as Harry. Ro was observing him for a while.

"What happened kiddo ?" He asked Jas

"What else.. That monkey happened "

"Did he trouble early in the morning " Ro knew only Harry could bring out this grumpy Jassi. Actually grumpy one is cute.

"Bhaiya tell him not to trouble me "

"Jassi.. will you be able to live without that troubles. See I'm a great example. Our lives would be boring without that annoyance right "

"I can live without it " Jassi mumbled. Ro smiled at him

"See you mentioned about your monkey, now I miss mine. I'm going to call that idiot. Don't worry. Lets hope yours will not trouble you today " Ro patted Jassi's head and went out to call Vi.

"Jas lets go" Harry approached him

"Where ?"

"To the ground. I told you we are practicing together "

"I don't remember and I promise Surya bhai to practice with him. You take Ishu "

"Come on Jas " Harry wined

"Harry.. they are batters. We need to divide " What a great idea Jas. Harry went away pouting.

Jassi had a killer headache after the practices. His painkillers were over and physio didn't have the type he needed. He needed to go out to buy some. Ishu said he is going out in the evening. Jassi told him that he would join cause he needed to buy some pills.

Jassi was in her room taking a nap hoping that the pain would subside. Harry decided to enter at the wrong time.

"Jassi.. why so lazy. Wake up."

"Go away Harry I'm tired "

"Come on. You have been sleeping fir three hours " That caught Jassi's attention

"Three hours. Oh god its 7 already. I promise to go out with Ishu. Why didn't he call me. Are they still in the hotel"

"Oh they have left already "

"What.. "

"Someone.. looks lot like me told them that you would not go " Harry said sheepishly

"Why did you do that ?"

"You promised me first to play games with me "

"How could you take decisions on behalf of me huh?" Jassi was frustrated. He needed to get thise pills

"Chill Jas. They are not just going shopping. They will sure end up in night club. You don't like those things. And you cant come back alone"

"Stop interfering into my life too much "

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