Peanut butter to my Jelly (Rahul-Dada)

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It was a Saturday evening Rahul was reading a book peacefully in his room until..

"JAMMY" Sach barged into the room

"How many times did I warn you Sach, not to bring a tornado with you "

"You are not funny. " Sach sat beside him

"Why did you disturb me"

"Yeah I almost forgot. Lets go out "

"No. " Rahul put his attention back to the book

"Ha ha I thought the same" Sach started to laugh

"Why are you laughing ? "

"You know you and Dadi are totally opposite ?"

"Why?" That caught his attention

"He agreed as soon as I suggested. Look at you, denied it without even knowing details "

"That doesn't mean we are opposites." Rahul mumbled

"If cause you are. He is an energy ball and you .."

"What ? Me"

"Well.... you are reading a book in Saturday evening. So you complete the puzzle "

"If Dada is going with you why the hell you asked me ?"

"Oops someone is angry. Ok ok sorry. I made a bet with Dadi. He said you would go with us and I said You would never. See I won " Sach stood up to left

"Wait. You bet on me. Ok I'm going "

"What. I mean you will not like it. We are going to a pub " Sach knew what he is doing.

"Whatever. I'm going with you. I can also go to pub "

"What made you agree to go out " Sach was curious

"Nothing "

"Looks like someone doesn't want his Dada to loss, even in a bet "

"That 'SOMEONE' wants you to loss the bet. And shut up.I need to get changed I will join you at the lobby " Angry Jammy is sacry. So Sach decided to go before he got killed.

When Rahul reached the lobby both Dada and Sach are waiting for him

"I told you my Jammy will not betray me " Dada put his arm around Jammy's shoulder. Rahul felt his heart skipped a bit.

"Ok ok. Lets go "

They went to a pub near the hotel. There were many people inside.

"Ok I'm going to dance " Sach left as soon as they entered. Dada and Jammy sat near a corner.

"Wait I will bring something to drink" Dada told to Jammy. He nodded

Sourav came back with two drinks.

"Here this is a mock tail. Don't worry its alcohol free"

Rahul took it and took a sip. Sach approached them after a while.

"What are you two doing here. You can do this even in the hotel com on. Lets go dance."

"Dada go with him. I'm good here " Rahul said to Sourav

"Yes Dadi lets go. You see that girl. She asked about you. See tonight may be the night " Sach dragged Dada with him.

"Sach, whatever do are doing. You need to stop now. " Sourav said as soon as they reached the dance floor.

"What. I'm innocent "

"And I'm James Bond. Listen I will figure a way ok. Its not this "

"When you figure out a way, I will be having white hairs." Sach pointed his hair.

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