Captain of my life (Rahul x Dada)

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Sourav was done with Rahul. He didn’t know why Rahul is acting like this. He used to be a calm person who spend most of the time inside his room reading something. Not anymore. He started to go out with a friend recently. No they were not lovers but Sourav didn’t get any good vibes from it.

"Dada I will come late " Rahul stopped by at Sourav's room to inform. Sachin was also there

"Where are you going Jammy ?"

"To meet a friend why ?"

"Is this the same person you are going out often " Sourav asked him

"Yes, why are you asking so many questions "

"You are not going out. Its already eight "

"What the heck Sourav. I want to go out. You cant stop me "

"Jammy, Sourav is right. Its pass the curfew. And this is your third night straight " Sach also helped Dada

"What’s wrong with you two ?"

"Rahul you are not going that’s the final. Some paps have clicked some photos yesterday. If they caught you, they will create a rumor "

"Why do you care. I’m ok with it " Rahul was angry

"Why do I care. I’m a friend and also the captain."

"Oh you are taking the captain card here "

"Jammy calm down " Sach realized it is going out of control

"No not today. Ask him what is his problem. We are not in the playground. He is not the captain of my life decisions "

"Rahul stop now or you are going to regret. "

"Let him Sach. He is old enough to do anything. It was my mistake " Sourav told Sach

"See. No problem now right " Rahul left the room

"I don’t know what is his problem Dadi. Bit this is not our Jammy "

"I ordered him a lot these days. "

"You were doing the correct thing. He is out of his control. Lets go now. Others are waiting to get dinner "

Sourav didn’t have an apatite. He didn’t eat much.

Mahi saw his Dada is not looking good. He was upset. That’s why he decided to sleep in Dada's room.

Mahi couldn’t see his Dada like this. Something must have happened

"Dada are you hurt ?"

"Tell me Mahiya, do you also feel that I’m trying to settle boundary for your lives "

"Dada what happened ?"

"Answer me "

"Before got to know you well I felt the same to be honest. But you do everything to protect us. On or off field. "

"Which means Jammy is right. I’m crossing my boundaries "

"Dada, remember you prohibit us from going races in night. I was upset with you. After getting nearly death experience I realize you are right. That’s why I never question whatever the decision you take "

"Only if Jammy see that " Dada sighed

"Dada, you know when we are angry we vent out on person we love the most "

Mahi side hugged Dada

"Is that why Yuvi is always shouting at you ?" Dada teased him

"Irrelevant. I’m talking about Jammy bhai. That boy is so in love with you Dada. It is all over his eyes "

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