the first meeting

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how did the two of you meet?
short answer: in school

how it played out:
— it was just a few weeks after christmas break, meaning that a new semester had started and many students needed to get their embarrassing grades up. you were sitting in a good place in terms of how school was going, so you were taking it easy and spent more of your time in your classes doing whatever on your phone which mainly consisted of just watching videos.

well, that is until one day, when you're sitting in your history class, not paying attention to mr. garcia's lecture since he was droning on and on what some of the kids will be doing for extra credit. and so, you pull out her phone and start to scroll mindlessly through it. but today, your focus is interrupted by the sudden sound of your name.

"y/n," mr. garcia calls out, his voice breaking through the dull drone of the classroom. you are startled by this, your heart skipping a beat as you instinctively assume you're in trouble. hastily, you reach for your phone, already prepared to switch it off and shove it into your pocket before mr. garcia can catch you.

but before you can even touch your phone, you notice something odd. mr. garcia's gaze isn't on you; it has settled on someone standing by his desk. your eyes widen as you realize who it is—cameron inoue who is known to be one of the most popular boys in school.

confusion swirls in your mind as you wonder why mr. garcia is singling you out, of all people, in front of someone like cameron. your attention snaps back to the front as mr. garcia begins to speak. "y/n, i'd like you to meet cameron," he says, gesturing towards the boy beside him. "he's been struggling a bit in history, and i believe you'll make an excellent tutor for him."

you're stunned into silence for a moment, processing the unexpected turn of events. tutoring cameron inoue? it's not something you ever imagined yourself doing, especially considering your status as a somewhat average student. but as you look at cameron, you can see the reluctance in his expression. it looked like he didn't even want to be here, not that she could blame him there, but if he has no interest in being here, then what are the chances that he'll care for anything that she has to say to him?

"u-um, sure" you manage to say, your voice slightly shaky with nerves. "i'd be happy to help."

this is going to be interesting.

𝒚𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒃𝒐𝒚𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝒊𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔Where stories live. Discover now