you find his shrine

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how did you find his shrine and, more importantly, where is it?
short answer: at his house when you were spending the night there

how it played out:
— you've only spent a few nights at cameron's house before and each time you were over, he'd tell, order you to never go down into the basement as it was 'off limits'. you first assumed that these were boundaries that his parents set but after you would ask about what was down there, cameron would always deflect or change the subject. it was obvious that he was hiding something.

so, you took it upon yourself to find out just what it was.

and so, you cautiously descend the creaky stairs into the basement, your hand trailing along the cold, rough wall for support. the air is stuffy, so eerily quiet, and a shiver runs down your spine as you reach the bottom step. you soon flick on the light switch, illuminating the space with a harsh, fluorescent glow that makes you wince.

as you step into the nearest room, you slowly peel open the door and your heart skips a beat, and you freeze in your tracks. your mouth drops open in shock as you take in the scene before you—a shrine, dedicated to you.

your eyes widen as they dart from one item to another: photos of you, moments captured when you weren't aware, scattered across the walls; items of clothing, some familiar, some not, carefully displayed on shelves; a delicate string of your hair, tied with a crimson ribbon, suspended like a trophy; paper cutouts shaped like hearts, meticulously arranged to form a collage of obsession. roses, both dead and alive, lie scattered around the room, their sweet scent mingling with the musty odor of the basement.

"what the hell...?" you mutter to yourself as you hide your nose in the sleeve of your arm. why does cameron have this down here? you take a step back, your mind reeling with disbelief and fear. before you can turn and flee from this nightmarish sight, you collide with something solid behind you. panic sets in as you whirl around, your eyes widening in terror as you come face to face with cameron, his expression stoic.

"y/n..." he murmurs, his voice low and honeyed before he twists into a manic grin. "what are you doing here?" he asks, stepping closer.

your heart pounds in your chest as you struggle to find your voice, to comprehend the situation unfolding before you. "cam, what is all this?" you manage to choke out, your voice trembling with fear.

he takes another step closer, his eyes alight with an unsettling fervor. "it's everything i've ever wanted, y/n," he replies, his tone almost reverent. "you, here, with me, forever."

you back away from him, the fear in your chest swelling with every step. "cameron, you need help," you say, your voice trembling as you reach for the door behind you, desperate to escape this nightmare.

but he's faster, blocking your path with a sudden, violent motion. "no, y/n," he growls, his voice low and menacing as he shakes his head. "you're not going anywhere. i just want to love and protect you. there's nothing wrong with that, is there?..." he questioned.

then, with all your strength, you push against him, hoping to create enough distance to make a break for it. but soon, you feel his hands on your waist, his grip on you is like iron, unyielding and immovable and he pulls you closer, his chest pressing against your back. panic grips you when you are pulled back in a suffocating embrace.

"don't," he whispers, his breath hot against the back of your neck. "don't try anything, y/n. you wouldn't want to make me angry, would you?" his words send a wave of dread washing over you, and you know that defying him could have dire consequences. you swallow hard, trying to muster the courage to reason with him, to make him see sense. but before you can speak, you feel his hand trailing through your hair, his touch surprisingly gentle.

your heart hammers in your chest as his other hand moves to rest on your throat, his touch firm yet chillingly delicate. the realization of just how powerless you are in this situation made you weak in the knees. "cameron, please..." you plead, your voice barely above a whisper, the weight of his hand on your throat making it difficult to speak. "let me go." but he only tightens his grip on you, his hold becoming more suffocating with each passing moment.

"i can't do that, y/n," he murmurs, leaning down so his lips are close to your ear. "call me selfish, but I can't share you with anyone else. i love you. you're mine. and i'll kill any bastard who tries to take you away from me."

𝒚𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒃𝒐𝒚𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝒊𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔Where stories live. Discover now