random hcs about cam

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• what is his love language?
— cameron is a sucker for quality time, words of affirmation, and physical touch. the others are good too but those will forever have his heart 💗

• he compares your hands with his and has the cutest expression on his face since he's concentrated and in another world while he does it

• definitely listens to the weeknd

• he smells like old spice

• he loves cuddling. it's one of his favorite things to do. he loves being the big spoon because he can hold you close to his body, nuzzle into the crook of your neck, and smell your beautiful scent. however...he does get a bit upset when you want him to be the little spoon (he'll eventually cave in and accept it since he enjoys laying his head on your chest and listening to your heartbeat). feel like i have said this before but oh well!

• some of cameron's favorite songs include but are not limited to house of balloons / glass table girls, jigsaw falling into place, talking in your sleep, washing machine heart, master of puppets, and beautiful stranger.

• doesn't like tea, cam is more of an energy drink and coffee connoisseur

• the two of you played fight once, and he ended up pushing you off the couch hard and he's felt guilty about it ever since. want to rack up some pity points? just bring this up and cameron will drop to his knees and profusely apologize

• it's not hard to fluster him. i mean, this man practically worships the ground you walk on. you could so much as accidentally brush your shoulder against his and cam will stand there, all dumbfounded and blushing like: ⸝⸝⸝o⸝⸝⸝o⸝⸝⸝
— cam.exe. has stopped working.

• scared of the paranormal but pretends it doesn't exist because he's so freaked out by it. if you like that sort of stuff and watch youtube videos or shows concerning it, he'll bite the bullet and watch it with you, though cameron will be very on edge while doing it

• will carry all your bags if you want him to, he doesn't care if his bag is heavy and your bags just made it feel like he was carrying a ton of bricks

• when he's angry, he just has to see you and his anger goes away

• his favorite ice cream flavors are mint chocolate chip, cookie dough, and birthday cake. don't ask to have some because he's more than welcome to share any of his treats with you!

• if he were to watch content creators, they'd be berleezy, kubz scouts, jynxzi, markiplier, and caseoh!
— i also headcanon that cameron cannot eat his food without watching a youtube video. ipad kid ahhh 😭😭

• likes to fall asleep to music playing through his headphones

• is a light sleeper

• cameron isn't the best at self-care, but he thoroughly enjoys it whenever he does face masks with you, especially since you have to tie his hair up so it doesn't get in the way

• will tie your shoelaces for you if they happen to come undone while the two of you are out together 🥹

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