when he realizes he loves you

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when did he realize that he was in love with you?
short answer: when you two first spent time together outside of studying

how it played out:
— as you walk towards the movie theater, excitement bubbles within you like carbonation in a soda can. cameron had suggested commemorating your three months of hanging out caught you off guard, but the idea of spending the evening together had been all yours because you had found out that they were reshowing one of your favorite movies by studio ghibli: the wind rises and the thought of rewatching it in theaters for the first time filled you with excitement.

the crisp air nips at your cheeks as you approach the familiar red-brick building, its neon sign glowing brightly against the gathering dusk. you then spot cam waiting for you near the entrance, a grin spreading across his face as he catches sight of you. "there you are!" he calls out, waving enthusiastically as he does. "glad you could make it." cameron added, this time softer, when you joined him at his side.

you return his smile, feeling a rush of affection for your newfound friend. "yeah, i'm just excited to watch the wind rises." you said.

"oh? and what about hanging out with me? you weren't excited to do that?" cameron raised a brow, toying with you.

you couldn't help but roll your eyes as you let out a playful groan. "shut up if i didn't wanna hang out with you, i wouldn't have shown up in the first place." you pointed out the obvious.

"i know, i know," cameron said as he raised his hands to show that he meant nothing by it. "but i've actually never watched a studio ghibli film before."

"what?!" you shouted.

"yeah..." he shyly admitted.

"okay, okay—after this, i am going to have to show you ponyo, howl's moving castle, spirited away, my neighbor totoro, princess mononoke, and all the other good ones at some point!" you excitedly began listing off all of the company's movies as cameron watched you, somewhat impressed that you know all of these movies by name but when you started to name more than he could remember, he finally spoke up.

"alright, easy now, let's just see how i like this one first."

as you make your way inside, the scent of buttered popcorn and sugary treats fills the air, adding to the anticipation buzzing between you and cameron. you reach the ticket counter, fully prepared to purchase your own ticket, but before you can even reach for your wallet, cameron steps in front of you, flashing his signature grin. "don't worry about it, y/n," he says, already pulling out his wallet. "i've got this."

you open your mouth to protest, but cameron waves off your objections with a casual flick of his hand. "consider it my treat for tutoring," he adds, his tone playful yet sincere.

reluctantly, you nod, unable to resist his infectious enthusiasm. "alright, thanks..." you whisper, feeling a warmth spread through you at his gesture of kindness.

but he doesn't stop there.

as you approach the concession stand, he insists on buying the snacks as well, piling up tubs of popcorn, boxes of candy, and oversized drinks with a grin that seems to stretch from ear to ear. once more, you try to protest, but cameron shakes his head, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "nope, no arguments. tonight's on me."

later, when the movie finally reaches one of its saddest scenes, cameron can feel a heaviness settling in his chest, his heart sinking with the weight of the emotional moment on screen. but his attention is abruptly torn away from the movie when he hears the sound of stifled sniffling beside him. turning slightly, his eyes widen in surprise as he sees you, your shoulders shaking with suppressed sobs.

his heart clenches at the sight and without hesitation, cameron shifts closer to you, his feelings of sorrow momentarily forgotten as he focuses on comforting you. you end up leaning into his touch, your head coming to rest against his shoulder, hiding your face, as you continue to cry.

cameron's heart flutters nervously at the proximity, his face flushing with warmth as he realizes the intimacy of the moment. but more than anything, he's overwhelmed by a powerful desire to ease your pain, to be there for her in whatever way you need. he could even feel the warmth of your tears seeping through his shirt.

gently, he reaches up with his left hand, his fingers brushing back your hair from her tear-streaked face. his touch is tender, a silent gesture of reassurance and comfort. "shh...shh...it's okay." he whispers softly, his voice barely audible over the sound of the movie.

as he continued to hold you close, he felt the steady rhythm of your breathing against his chest before realizing in that moment just how much you mean to him. the realization hits cameron like a double-decker bus, prompting a fluttering sensation in his chest and causing his heart to race and his face to flush with warmth.

he has a crush on you...and, fuck, did he have it bad for you.

𝒚𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒃𝒐𝒚𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝒊𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔Where stories live. Discover now