period comfort hcs

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• of course cameron knows what a period is but the catch is that he has zero experience taking care of it, and the first time you told him that you were on your cycle, he didn't really know what to do but went straight to work when you started barking orders

• his hands are warm, so he always sneaks his hands under your shirt to rub your stomach when you have cramps.
— but if him rubbing your stomach doesn't help, as it can only worsen in some cases, cameron will immediately stop and change it up, whether that be gently playing with your hair or kissing your stomach

• buys you lots of snacks and whatnot during this period of time since he made a list of every craving that you've ever had since you've known each other/been dating 💗

• don't ever...ever ask this man to buy you products. it's not that cameron will get upset or won't buy you pads, tampons, menstrual cups, or whatever you use—it's just that he doesn't know which ones you use, so he'll always end up buying all sorts of brands/sizes
— when you tried telling him not to waste his money on you, cameron replied with, "but it's going to a good cause! :((" yeah, good luck trying to stop him from buying this stuff for you because he's going to do it anyway!

• he doesn't like to see you suffer but it's a good excuse for both of you to stay in bed all day. what's that? it's a school day? why should that change a thing? you both will just call in sick!

• if he was cuddly before, he would get ten times cuddlier...well, if you want him to be, that is. on top of that, cameron will also up his gentlemanly factor whenever you try doing things for yourself. you want a glass of water! don't worry, he's got this! you just lay there and relax. what—you're hungry too? not a problem, cameron will cook anything you want, as long as he knows you're eating well! (if you want fast food, then he'll drive to go grab it or have it delivered) ☺️🫶🏻
— "why are you getting up?"
— "uh...because i have to go to the bathroom?" you replied.
— cameron blinked rapidly before tilting his head to the side. "and you don't want me to carry you there?" he asked, pouting like a sad puppy.

• will not get upset if you accidentally bleed through your pants and end up getting blood on the sheets. he'll just throw everything in the wash, there is no reason to feel sad!

• cameron will shower and/or have a bath with you (depending on what you prefer at the time). in short, he's babying you whether you like it or not

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