Chapter 6

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Later on that day, Kenny and I went on a little hike together, to spend more time alone without his sister or Lilly. At 1st it was a little weird just us two hanging out like I thought it would be. But I didn't say anything. I wanted to try this out.
As we walked around, I kept looking around me mostly to my right, towards the woods. I kept reading noises all around me, like someone or something was following me. But didn't know what.
Every time I jumped to a noise, Kenny would wrap his arm around me to keep me safe. It was cute, but I still wasn't sure of myself just yet.
As we got deeper into the woods, I stopped to tie my shoes and Kenny kept on walking ahead of me. He did stop but I told him I'd catch up with him. I knew where I was going. As I was done tying my shoes, I stood up and was damn near face to face with the same wolf from earlier. I jumped where I was at and fell back on my ass against a tree. The wolf just looked at me for a moment then slowly walked up to me. I wanted to scream for help but I kept my cool.
Once it got close to me, just a few inches from my face, it stopped and looked me over. If I wanted to, I could pet the wolf right there and then but I was too scared to even move. But that didn't stop the wolf from pawing my leg either. I looked down at my leg to see why it was doing that then back at him.

"I don't know what you want?" I said softly.

The wolf turned his head towards Kenny then back at me, like it was telling me something just didn't know what. So he sat down and stared at me. As I was watching him, I looked into his eyes and I felt like I've seen those eyes before but from where. I sat up better and leaned against the tree, just watching the wolf. As I was about to get up to head back, the wolf got up and looked the opposite side of us and growled. When I looked to see what he was growling at, I stood up and got behind him. It was another wolf, just a little smaller than him. That wolf was a rustic brown color looking.
The wolf that was next to me, turned his head back around to look at me then looked back at the other wolf. It was like they were communicating with each other but without barking or growling or anything.

"Crystal!" Kenny called out to me.
"Shit," I said then turned around. "Coming!" I called out. "I guess I'll catch you sometime again when I come out here, ole black. Behave yourself and stop snicking up on people you hear. It will get yourself killed." I told him then went to turn to walk away.

As I turned to walk away, I tripped over a root and fell. Both wolves ran up to me but the black one growled at the brown one and he leaned against me and helped me up. I gasped at what I saw. Like I couldn't believe my eyes. When I got up, I leaned down a little to brush myself off then before I stood back up, I pet the black wolf before walking away.
I took a few times then turned back around to tell them bye but they were already gone. I felt sad for some reason but also drawn to that black wolf and I don't know why. Maybe he was the one that I kept hearing last night. Maybe he was warning me of something or trying to keep something away from me but what. Whatever it was, I was scared now. I hurried up and ran to where I was supposed to meet up with Kenny. Once I got to him, he wasn't looking and I screamed once I ran right into him.

I knocked him down on the ground and we both rumbled around in the dirt until he was on top of me. I started laughing once we stopped.

"Oh you clever girl." Kenny said then leaned down to kiss my lips.

We were like that for a few minutes until we heard a noise then stopped. Kenny looked up and around but guessing he didn't see anything. I wonder if it was my wolf. Maybe he's my keeper, my guardian of some sorts.
I pushed against Kenny to get up. Once he noticed i wanted up, he got up first then helped me up the next second.

"So what kept you back there?" He asked me.
"Well I was tying my shoes then saw a cute little creature. I was just watching it until you called. Then I tripped once I went to move."
"Then you wanted to tackle me to the ground?" Kenny asked.
"Yeah, that was for fun." I said then laughed.
"Oh I'll get you my pretty." He said all evil.

I ran from him after he said that. He chased after me and caught me. We laughed for like seemed forever.

"Let's head back before the others wonder where we're at." I told him.
"Yea, plus I'm staring." Kenny said as he wrapped his arm around me and we started heading back towards camp.

As we started heading back, I swear I saw my wolf again. Just standing in the tree line watching us. I smiled at him and nodded my head before turning to look back at Kenny.
Hope to see that wolf again. Hope no one kills him or his friend too.
I wonder if there are others, if there's a pack of them. But if there is, I don't want to be close by. That's how you get killed. And I don't want to be puppy chow.
By the time we got back, Jenny and Lilly were making food. When they saw us, they handed us each a plate of bbq chicken, corn on the cob and Mac and cheese. The food was so good that I ate two plates plus some of Lilly's when she didn't eat the rest of it.

"Damn, you really hungry." Lilly said chuckling.
"Well, I didn't eat when I woke up, and been hiking for the past I don't know how many hours." I said as I put my plate in the fire pit.
"Kenny!" One of the boys called him as they came over. "Are you drinking tonight again or gonna hang out with your new girlfriend?"
Kenny looked over at me. I nodded my head to tell him to go. "Drinking. I can hang with her whenever I want back home."
"Not if I don't want to." I said smirking at him.
"Oh yeah." He said then leaned down to kiss me but I moved my head from him. He tried to fight me over kissing me but I gave up after the 5th time of him trying to kiss me.
"Go have fun. You'll know where I'm at tonight."
"Yeah, in my bed." Kenny said then walked away.

Me and the girls laughed. Jenny shook her head at me before getting up to put the leftovers away. I sat there watching Kenny walk away to have fun with his friend.
I started thinking different things about us. How things can go wrong or change or whatever. Something in me felt like it was a bet on how the guys cheered him on last night and how the one boy said 'new girlfriend' like he didn't like me or something. We all grew up together and go to the same school together. Just hope this isn't what I think it is. I've read things like this plus I've seen movies where the guys takes a bet on getting the girl.
I just hope this isn't it.

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