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I stood frozen debating on what I should do to warn them that Connell was prying Wesley for my whereabouts. My eyes scanned the room looking for any sign I could communicate to the boys. Jacob's laptop wasn't in the room, neither was any electronic device I could use. I probably couldn't use it anyway since his things are most likely protected. I knew he had a gun in his safe, and the code was stored in my memory. I've never used a gun before, but I doubt I'll need it anyway. I'm just overreacting, however as a woman in a house full of men, I need to know every single option available.

As I searched through Jacob's drawers, I found a notepad and pens. The same paper he uses to leave on my bedside when he could simply just text me.

"Thank God," I whispered to myself knowing I could at least try and write something and show them through the window. His, what seems like stupid, attribute has come in handy.

I scribbled on the sticky note, "Connell called Wes. He's not convinced."

I made sure to write on the same side as the sticky strip so it could stick to the window, and he could read without me having to hold it up. There's no way I am risking getting caught over these two idiots. Removing a small portion of the curtain, I stuck the note on the glass, peeking to see if Connell was outside with them at this point. I didn't see any signs of him when I glanced outside. The two boys were still sharing a cigarette and chatting. I tapped very softly with the tip of my nail on the glass, making sure to not be too loud. I wasn't sure if any of this was going to work honestly. My phone was out in the common area just waiting to be seen by Connell. I silently huffed as they didn't hear my taps.

What the fuck am I going to do?

As my hand hovered over the glass once again, Jacob's door handle jiggled, causing me to jump and almost lose my balance. I recovered hoping nobody heard me slip.

The handle moved again, but this time more aggressive and urgent. I peeked outside to see the boys still on the balcony. I'm in a city I don't know getting forced to hide from a man I've only met once. That same man being the person who jump stared Jacob's career. At this point I don't know who to believe. Is Jacob trying to be selfish and keep me working for him? Jacob did mention at dinner that I work for him and only him, so maybe that's why he's being so anal about Connell. I can't help but feel the worst vibe from this whole situation. Will I ever feel comfortable?

"What are you doing?" Jacob's voice outside the bedroom door rattled my ear drums. "Get the fuck away from my room."

"I thought I heard something in there. Just checking for your safety, that's all," Connell replied slyly. "We can't have another business leak, can we?"


"Well that's the whole reason I keep my door locked in the first place. Now, get out of my house," Jacob demanded, having enough of Connell parading across his halls already.

"Alright, alright. I expect to see all of you tonight. Don't make me wait," Connell added before his footsteps got quieter. I heard the elevator doors ding open and let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding in.

A hard pull at Jacob's door handle startled me again, but this time an angry Barry bellowed on the other side.

"Unlock the door, Charlotte," He insisted while still maneuvering the knob.

"Until you get your hand off the handle, I can't," I matched his energy. The handle stopped moving long enough for me to click the lock, letting in a red faced Barry.

"What the fuck were you doing so loud in here that he could hear you? You had one job," Barry practically scolded me as I sat on the edge of Jacob's perfectly made bed. I could bounce a dime off the tight sheets.

Facade  - Jacob ElordiWhere stories live. Discover now