16 - finis vitae sed non amoris

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Sunday, October 1st

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Sunday, October 1st

I would have rather died than end up like this after the attack.

Every other part of my body functions just fine, but my ears decided to give up. And I hate my body for that.

I don't regret jumping in front of Mavis. I'd do anything to save my friends from something like that. But I do regret not turning around when I first took notice of someone behind us. I thought nothing of it until he continued to approach us.

I was left in the dark for days about who had done something like this. That was until the facts were presented in front of me.

Eros had done this to me.

Why? I don't have even the slightest clue. But if there's one thing for sure, I loathe that man.

I'm furious that he would even attempt to harm Mavis, and it bothers me even more that he would disguise himself to do so. He's gone about his days acting like he has done absolutely nothing wrong. Eros is acting like he didn't take away something so very important to me.

My hearing was a gift. And it was stolen from me.

I can no longer hear the sound of the technology I spend hours working on. I can no longer hear the sound of waves crashing against the sand or leaves rustling with the wind. I cannot hear spring rain or the thunderstorms that soothe me.

More importantly, I can't hear him.

The aggravating Edinburgh accent of his that I had grown to love. His hearty laugh and the sound of his soft breathing at night. The way he cooed my name, and all the different variations he came up with for it. "Finny" was my favorite.


Now I can only imagine what they all sound like. But I'm afraid that I will forget. And I know that day will come eventually.

I can only "hear" him through the movement of his hands now as he signs to me. But it's not the same.

Not at all.

I've been in bed for days. Only getting up to eat or go to the bathroom. I haven't been outside or seen anyone else besides Sage. It's killing me, but I can't bring myself to face the world while I'm like this.

The light in the bedroom flickers on and off a few times, and when I turn my head, I see Sage standing by the switch to get my attention. He's been particularly gentle with me for the past few weeks. It's unlike him to act like this, but I know it isn't out of pity. Instead, I know that it's because he knows that I don't have the energy or motivation to bicker or be playful with him as usual. It'll take me a while before I ever get back to that state.

Sage looks handsome today, as always. I can see his auburn waves even as he stands in the dark hallway. He steps into the room and into the light where I can read his signs.

He lifts his hands up. "Come on, get up. I have something for you."

I pull the blankets off my body and force myself to sit up. Sage waits patiently by the doorway as I stand up and saunter over to him.

Sage waves his hand over his eyes before he says, "Close your eyes."

"I'm not in the mood for games, Sage." I feel just as groggy as the day before.

"Close them," he urges.

I give in to his wishes and close my eyes. His hand clasps my waist gently, and he forces me to start walking as he steers me in a certain direction. I run my hand along the wall, trying to feel if I can tell where we are going.

Sage is careful to lead me to our destination without any issues. We stop, and he guides me to a chair. It feels like one that's at the dining table. He lowers me down to sit on it, and I wait for him to tell me to open my eyes again.

For a moment, there is nothing that I can sense around me. He isn't by my side. After a few seconds, my fingers pick up the vibration of something being placed on the table.

A large hand shakes my forearm, and I take that as the signal to open my eyes. When I do, I see Sage standing in front of me on the other side of the table. His smile is wide and toothy, and beautiful as ever. His face is illuminated by something that's sitting on the table.

I glance down, where the slight waving of candle flames greets me. There are only a few white candles on the cake, which is brown. It's covered in chocolate frosting. My favorite.

Sage knows that.

In the center of the cake, chaotic handwriting in frosting spells out the words: "Happy Birthday, Finny."

The days had begun to blur together so much that I didn't even remember it was my birthday today. I didn't even know what day it was yesterday. But Sage knew.

I peer up at him. "Did you make this?"

His smile fades. "Yes. Does it look bad?" he asks.

"I could tell," I half-joke.

Sage rolls his eyes before signing again. "I tried really hard, okay! Now make a wish and blow out the candles before they get wax on my artwork."

I smile for the first time in days, and I close my eyes, clasping my hands together. There are a million things I could wish for. One being that my hearing would miraculously return to me, but I know that's impossible. I inhale as I think of one that's more plausible. My lips press together anxiously.

Please, I beg you. Don't stop loving me while I'm like this.

When I open my eyes, I blow gently on the candles, extinguishing the flames. That bright smile reappears on Sage's face, and I'm inclined to smile as well.

"What'd you wish for?" he questions.

I shake my head. "If I tell you, it won't come true."

By his body language, I can tell that what Sage does next is an exaggerated groan. It makes me laugh, and I become conscious of the fact that I cannot hear myself. I stop laughing, not wanting to sound like a fool.

Sage simpers. "There's that laugh."

Though I can't hear him, his words still make me blush. I turn away, pretending to adjust my shirt. "Why don't you cut this cake so I can try your masterpiece?"

From the corner of my eye, I see Sage practically skip into the kitchen. I face his direction again to make sure that he doesn't run back with the knife in his hands. He looks extremely giddy as he comes back into view.

It puts a smile on my face again.

Please, let my wish come true.


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𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭Where stories live. Discover now